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A/N so I know I never included this in the story it's cause I've never really thought of it but I did just a few days ago sooo here is it.

Lexi's P.O.V

I looked down at my stomach I was two months now and I smiled

"Hey babe how are you feeling?" He asks

"Still dizzy, still throwing up, but I'm feel fine other then that, fine" I smiled

I had to go see if it is a boy or girl so I jump in the car and drove,

I saw Jorel I always had a little crush but he was going out with Vanessa she was a good friend to me through my pregnancy,

"Hey Jorel" I smiled

"Wow your getting big" he smiled looking at my stomach

"Yeah" I looked down

"May I?" He asked putting his hand to my stomach,

"Yeah go right ahead"

He put his hand on my belly

"Wow I feel you kicking in there little buddy"

I smiled then my name was called

"Umm Jorel I need to go now I will see you later and tell you what it is"

He smiled and nodded,

Then I run into Vanessa

"Hey Vanessa"

"Oh hey Lexi, wow your getting big" she smiled

"Yeah I'm going to see if she or he is a boy or a girl"

"Ok well I will be waiting out here with Jorel"


Then I walked to the room and waited for hours finally the doctor walked in

"Hello miss hails are you ready for your results?" He asked

"Yes" I smiled

"Well there are two and they are girls"

My heart dropped and I smiled

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I yelled getting up and hugging him before running out,

I ran and hugged Vanessa

"Woah" she laughed "so what is it?"

" "what are they" " I corrected her smiling

"What?!" She yelled a bit hugging me again

"Yeah, they are girls" I smiled


Jorel hugged me "I can't wait to see my nieces"

"Me too" Vanessa smiled,

I pulled away from the hug "I need to go and rest now"

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