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Lexi's P.O.V

I woke up and Dylan was sleeping beside me

I love him I really do but him and the band can never trust me

He woke up and looked at me

"Hey" he whispered

"Hi" I whispered back

"I'm sorry about yesterday I swear nothing happened between me and her, I only love you trust me"

"You can't trust me so why do I have to trust you?"

"I do trust you babe why would you say that?"

"You can't even trust me with Ben"

"Cause all he does is bang sluts"

"Excuse me? He is not a whore, before you met me all you ever did was bang sluts, this whole band did!" 

"Leave me out of this!" Yelled Jorel

"Dylan let her rest, she is obviously in a bad mood let her cool off" Jordon opened my curtain

"No I want to fix this" said Dylan

"Fuck off mate" I got out of the bunk and went to the bathroom,

I looked at myself in the mirror and remembered what my parents did to me; punch me, slap me, kick me, pull my hair to the ground, all those fun things

But then I remembered that I was safe with the guys so I don't have to worry anymore

I still had scars on my wrist from when I use to cut,

I looked around the bathroom and saw one of my shavers I looked at my wrist and slit the razors across my wrist

I missed seeing the blood that falls out of my wrist,

I heard knocking at the door

"Lexi? I'm sorry I got mad at you"

"I-it's ok"

I quickly wipe the blood away from my wrist and waked out hiding my arm

I looked in mine and Dylan's bunk he wasn't there so I quickly put on a long sleeve shirt and walked to the back lounge

Dylan put his arm around me

"I'm still mad at you" I look at him

"Ahh" he got up and ran away,

"We are at a stop so if you need something go get it right now" I swear Jordon is the mom of the band

I got up and went inside with Andy, Daniel, Dylan, and George

Me and Andy got Arizona and dill pickle

We went to pay for the stuff

"I need to use the bathroom, here's my money" I said giving Andy my money

I walked to the bathroom then bumped into someone

Aron really? Again?

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