Crazy night

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Lexi's P.O.V
(Not smut but a bit touché)

"Oh yeah Lexi where will I sleep" Andy asked looking at me

I looked at Jordon he smirked at Andy

"Umm Aron can you sleep with someone? I will share a bunk with her"

"Umm, yeah sure" he says

"He can sleep with me I guess" Matthew said looking at Aron

"Yeah alright" he says

"Ok" I say smiling

"Anyone wanna go to the bar?" George asked

"Yeah" everyone says

At the bar

We pulled up to a bar and we all jumped out and walked in

We sat in a booth Aron had in arm around me

The waiter walked up to us "can I get you anything?"

"I will get whiskey" Jordon said

"A bottle of jack" Said Aron

"I will also get jack" I said snuggling into his chest,

After everyone said what they were going to get we started talking for a bit

But once the whiskey came things started to get a little to weird for only me and Andy to be the girls alone,

"Hey, Lexi I'm gonna go get something from the bus come with me" said Dylan getting

"Ok" I smiled getting out I looked back at the booth Aron was sleeping so I just went for it

We walked out of the bar and were wondering the streets of Miami,

"Where is the bus?" I asked

"R-right t-there" he pointed at the bus

We walked in I sat down in the back lounge waiting for Dylan to be done

He walked to the back were I was sitting

"Your so god damn beautiful you know that?" He smirked putting his hand on my cheek,

"Now I do" I chuckled our lips connected I knew what I was doing

The whiskey was taking over I couldn't stop it without feeling guilty

He started going on top of me he took of his shirt and continued kissing me

Next morning (still Lexi's P.O.V)

I woke up and saw Dylan laying beside me...

With mine and his clothes off

Again.... Oh shit,

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