Asking Alexandria

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Ben's P.O.V

She went and got pizza and pop while I search for some good movies

The movies I found so far that was good was; Finding Nemo, Titanic, and Inside out

We will choose on one when she comes back,

I laid on the couch then I heard someone walk though the door I looked it was Lexi

"Hello did you buy the pizza and pop?" I asked

"Well not pop, I bought whiskey since we never got to party"

"Alright I found 3 movies that are good, here look at them" I handed her the movies,

"Inside out?" She questions "where the hell did you get this?"

"Umm, uh, uh" I stutter " I'm a child don't make fun of me"

"Ok I'm sorry big baby" she chuckled

All I did was laugh

"How about........... Finding Nemo"



After the movie was done I looked at Lexi who was sleeping on my shoulder

I swear this girl is like my sister I love her to death I've met her in high school she was the school nerd but I maned up and hung out with her I changed everything about her her style, clothes, and I cut her hair but I let her keep her personality cause she is funny, smart, nice, and very cute the way she talked was so cute and adorable,

I picked her up since she was only 110 pounds and carried her to my bunk and crashed in Denis' bunk (#benis!!)

The next morning Lexi's P.O.V

I woke up in Bens bunk I never heard anyone so I walked out

"Hey Lexi!" I was tackled down to the ground with a hug I looked who it was and obviously it was Sam

"Hey Sammie" I smile hugging him "can I get up now?"

"Yeah" he got up and pulled me up with him,

I saw everyone they all gave me a hug but it came that time when I had to leave

"Bye guys" I waved to them

"Bye Lexi!" Then I left I never got to say goodbye to Ben cause he was sleeping,

Once I walked on the bus I was engulfed with hugs

"Lexi where have you been talk right now" Jordon put a hand on his hip like a mom scolding her child

"I was at Asking Alexandria's b-" "WHAT?!" Yelled Matt grabbing both of my shoulders


"Well I did cause Ben is like a brother to me and I am not letting you ruin our friendship!" I yelled running to my bunk,

Jordon's P.O.V

I never ment to yell at her like that I was just mad why would she go over there instead of us? I don't get it

It was at least one hour later I went to go check on her

There were tear stains on her cheeks and she covered her whole body with a blanket

"I'm sorry" I whispered kissing her forehead

Then I walked to Dylan's bunk

"Hey, Dylan" I pecked his nose

"Whaaaaaaaaattt?" He said very tired

"Go sleep with Lexi, I kinda got mad at her and I don't want her to wake up mad at me"

"Ok" he said getting up out of his bunk and jumping in her bunk

I walked to my bed and fell asleep.

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