Bus and meeting

467 18 1

Andy's P.O.V

I felt someone rubbing my nose lightly

I opened my eyes and saw Lexi laying next to me I gasped and hugged her tightly

"Oh my god I missed you" I squealed

"Me too" she smiled

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes

She laughed "it's 3:00 pm"

My eyes grew wide "WOAH! I need to take a shower and eat"

"Ok will be out here watching t.v" she smiled,

I nodded and walked into the bathroom

10 minutes later

I wiped the stream off of the mirror and smiled

"hey! Are you ok in there?" Asked Lexi knocking on the door

I laughed "yeah"

She giggled "ok"

I brushed and dried my hair then walked out of the bathroom

"Damn you look hot" Lexi laughed (Andy is wearing: long sleeved dark red shirt, jean shorts, and tights)

"Same for you" I laughed (Lexi is wearing: a light pink sleeveless shirt, black spandex shorts)

"Ok you ready?" I asked

"Yeah" she shot up

"Can you help me get my stuff?" I asked

"Sure" she smiled

We grabbed my stuff and walked outside the tour bus was right there...

In front of me my mouth dropped

She looked at me and smiled at me I looked at her and smiled also,

"Come on" she smiled signaling me in the bus

I smiled and walked on the bus seeing all members in Hollywood Undead

"Hey Lexi who is your new friend" smirked Matt looking at me

"Um she is not my 'new friend' she is my cousin and her name is Andy"

"That explains why she looks like you, hot" smirked Jordon

"Umm, thanks?" I smiled "oh yeah Lexi were will I sleep?"

Jordon smirked at me

Oh boy.

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