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Akira's POV

Hi, my name's Akira. Don't ask for a last name, cause I really don't have one. My parents left me when I was in middle school, saying I was a disgrace to the family name. They took everything with them not givin me a second glance, except my mother. She bought me an apartment about an hour car ride away from the Ouran Academy. She told me that I had to go there, no matter what. She gave me a credit card for extreme emergencies only and my passport before walking out the door and never coming back.

The apartment was small, just four rooms. A kitchen, living room, bathroom and a bedroom, none of them were very big. It was a huge change from the mansion that I was used to, but then again I always wondered what this would be like.... I just didn't expect for it to be permanent.

I graduated Middle School that year at the top of my class. Everything was finally picking up, I had the grades and the will to go to the academy I knew I did. I got a brochure and that's when everything became a reality for me. I couldn't afford to go to a private school, not with the money I was making baby sitting. So, I eventually got a real job. I worked for my uncle in his shop. I made decent money and when I crunched the numbers, I found that if I watched my budget very carefully I could pay almost half of my tuition. I'm sure I could get financial help or maybe even a small scholarship.

I filled out all the paper work, ace'd my entry exam and found that they would give me an academic scholarship that made everything possible. I saved as much money as I could all summer slaving away at my Uncle's shop, knowing that when school came I wouldn't be able to keep my hours. I usually worked about 15 hours a day and got paid under the table for the extra hours.

A few weeks before school started, my uncle came over and tried to make a meal. About halfway through the smoke alarm started going off. I ended up with a burnt kitchen, skillet and hair. Yep, burnt Hair. I got my once beautiful long straight black hair cut so that I had bangs that covered most of my face, but the back still had to be short like a guys to take off all that was burnt. With my hair and the clothes I wore people mistake me for a guy often, soon I just stopped correcting them.

The first few days of school were brutal, everyone shunned me because I wasn't from an important family. People laughed when I tried to talk to them and called me names. The fact that I had gotten lost quite a few times really didn't help the matter either. Their favorite insult was my clothes, I couldn't really afford anything nice and especially not the school uniforms.

I held it all in until I couldn't one night, I cried thinking about why they hate me and their superficial seasonings. I decided that I didn't care anymore, if they don't like me why should I care? I stayed quiet siting in the back of the class and ignoring the world around me. I'd take everything they'd say and thought about how great it would be if you could actually shove someone's words down their own throat, but I never once talked back or fought it because I simply didn't care.

Soon enough everyone forgot about me and I returned to my own little world. Taking my work to the first empty room I found and finishing it quickly before drawing for a while. That continued for, I don't know how long, until I stumbled upon music room #3.

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