Chapter Fourteen

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Akira's POV

I snapped my eyes open and found myself looking up into the concerned, wide eyes of the only person that truly loves me. He brushed my hair away from my face and asked, "What was that....?"

I whispered, my voice breaking, "You didn't make it in time."

He moved quickly and knelt on the bed and gathered me into his arms. I curled into a ball and rested my head against his bare chest, my hand on his shoulder. His strong arms held me against him, making me feel safe and secure like always, but the dream was still fresh in my mind. I moved in his arms and he loosened his hold, allowing me to do so.

I moved so I faced him kneeling on the bed as well only raised to my knees, I raised my shaking hand to his neck and rested it above where I could feel his pulse. I leaned forward and rested my forehead against his. I asked quietly, "Kyoya, will you do me a favor?"

"What?" He asked.

"Help me forget." I whispered before crashing my lips to his.

He instantly kissed me back fiercely. The spark between us instantly made itself known. Kyoya wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me forward, pressing me up against him. He seemed to realize what he was doing and pulled away suddenly, shifted backwards so I wasn't up against him anymore as well. He cleared his throat and said, "Akira....."

I smiled slightly and said, "I know that you're right, but at this point I really don't care."

I shifted forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, once again attacking his lips. Kyoya's hands went to my hips, instantly responding. I shifted forward again and molded myself to him. His tongue asked for entrance and I, eagerly, complied.

After a few minutes we pulled away for air and Kyoya's voice whispered, sounding strained but somehow demanding at the same time, "Akira."

I sighed and moved my arms from around his neck, letting my hands slide down to rest on his bare chest. I nodded and moved away from him, now sitting cross legged across from him. I looked up at him shyly, horribly embarrassed from that little, um, outburst.

He reached out a hand and grabbed my chin lightly before running his thumb over my lips, they were no doubt red and swollen. I bit my lip lightly and turned my head away from him. To my surprise he made me look back at him before leaning closer to me. He nipped slightly at my bottom lip which was just barely still between my teeth. I gasped silently, Did that really just-.....never mind....

Kyoya whispered, "Don't do that."

I could feel his breath against my neck since he had let his head fall a little. I breathed out, "Why?"

He smirked slightly and said, "Makes you look too sexy."

I blushed dark and again looked away from him. Once my face didn't feel like it was a million degrees I said, "Never do that again, even if I do bite my lip."

"Why?" He asked, leaning closer to my neck.

"Because." I said shortly.

He kissed and nipped at my neck, causing me to moan low. He said, smirking against my neck, "Because isn't an answer."

He grabbed my hips and lifted me easily into his lap before he started teasing me again. I moan again and somehow got out, "D-define..answer."

His hands slipped under my shirt and ran over my flat stomach before going around to my back and rubbing it lightly. He said, "An action or words that are a solution to a question."

A thought came to mind and I acted on it before I had time to talk myself out of it or think it through. I pushed him lightly backwards, as soon as his back hit the bed I crashed my lips against his, letting the heat I felt fuel the kiss. I ran my left hand down Kyoya's side and slipped it under his silk pajama pants, my hand resting on his hip bone.

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