Chapter Ten

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Akira's POV

I was sitting on a couch in Music Room three, just listening to the guys talk around me. School hasn't started yet so we're all just kind of hanging out. Suddenly the door bursts open and the twins walk in shouting together, "We're having a sleep over at our house this weekend! Just the eight of us!"

I asked, "The whole weekend?"

They nodded smiling and I couldn't help but smile as well, they were contagious. Everyone started calling home and getting people to pack something for the weekend and I kind of just stood off to the side. The twins popped up on either side of me and said, "Don't worry," "We already have someone packing your stuff."

I said, "Whatever, just make sure they get my bunny."

Koaru pinched my cheek and said, "Awww."

I slapped his hand away but I couldn't help but smile. I still tried to sound mad as I said, "You guys treat me like a child sometimes."

"Is that a bad thing?" They both asked.

I smiled and said, "Nope, not at all. I just wish we could leave now."

I felt arms wrap around me from behind me and I heard, "Is Akira, honor student, really asking to skip school?"

"Guys I don't think I should go." Haruhi interrupted, unintentionally saving me.

"But you have to go!" Exclaimed Tamaki, knowing him he probably had something planned out already with him and Haruhi.

"But I wanted to study all weekend cause we have a math test Monday."

"Cone on Haruhi! Live a little!" The twins shouted.

I said calmly, "Haruhi you can study Sunday when you get home before you go to bed, that way it'll be fresh in your memory as well." The twins were looking at me shocked. I asked, "Hey why do you look so shocked? I can be sensible of I want to."

"Nope, it's just Kyoya rubbing off on you." Haruhi said from behind me. I turned around an looked at her, suddenly we both remembered that day and me saying, 'I'm not sure if that a compliment or not...' We both burst out laughing at the same time and the Twins looked at us confused. I waved them off and said, "It's nothing, just a memory."

We went back to our classes and the Twins made me sit next to them in class. They wouldn't stop bugging me about what the memory was, but I refuse to tell them. Haruhi and I don't spend a lot of time together so who knows when we'll have another 'inside joke' as funny as this.

The day passed very slowly, even the host club seemed to drag on today. Finally the doors closed and the twins announced, "To our house, everyone to the limo!!"

Kyoya suddenly appeared beside me and slung an arm around my shoulder, "Actually, Akira and I will meet you there. I'm supposed to be meeting someone today."

"Oh that's right! I totally forgot! Rachel would've been pissed if she had stayed this late and I didn't call." I said, more to myself.

"Okay I guess we'll meet you guys there, but make sure you don't take too long!" Someone exclaimed as they all ran out, Haruhi walking behind them.

I laughed and grabbed Kyoya's hand, "Come on, we better hurry."

We started walking out and I let Kyoya go to call Rachel. She picked up, "Hello, what can I do for you today?"

"Well, you can come and pick up my boyfriend and I like you promised." I told her.

"Oh! Akira I'll be there in a few seconds!" She exclaimed.

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