Chapter Seventeen

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Akira's POV

I woke up, but I couldn't force myself to open my eyes. I felt something right up against me, expanding and then shrinking, again and again. It took me a minute to realize it was Kyoya, breathing. I felt a weight on my stomach, only for me to realize it was his arm, his fingers splayed across my bare skin.

I finally forced my eyes open, only to see it was still dark, but that's probably because there aren't any windows. I looked over at Kyoya, smiling when I saw he was still asleep. The moment shifted though when my eyes raked over his body, yesterday and last night vividly running through my mind. I shivered slightly, the memories setting my body ablaze.

I, somehow, wiggled out of bed without waking up Kyoya. I walked into the bathroom and started the water, making sure it was only lukewarm before stepping inside.

Once I was done I stepped out and dried off with one of the towels that were set out. I wrapped the towel securely around myself and stepped back into the room. I grabbed my underwear and slipped them on, but I couldn't bring myself to put on my school uniform, it just seemed so constricting especially since we were finally on summer break. So, making a quick decision I, begrudgingly, slipped on my school uniform.

I made my way out of the room and down the hallway, trying to find Kyoya's room. After a few minutes of searching I finally stepped inside his room (okay I might've asked someone...). I went into the closet and grabbed a pair of his black basketball shorts and one of his white button up shirts, quickly changing into them. I started towards the kitchen, only to glance at the digital clock on the nightstand, it was only 7 am!

I stared at the clock angrily, debating on throwing it across the room. I finally sighed and let my head hang as I walked out. I made my way back to the room where Kyoya was, pouting the whole way. The first thing I did after I closed the door was slip off the basketball shorts and set them on the back of the desk chair with Kyoya's school jacket. Then I laid back down and went right back to sleep.


I was dragged forward up against a hard chest, a chin resting on top of my head. I let a content sigh slip out, only to hear a small chuckle when I did. His chest shook slightly, but not enough to move my head. I smiled instantly, looking up at him with sleep hazed eyes. He kissed my forehead softly and asked, "How long have you been up?"

I sighed lazily and answered, "A few minutes maybe, five at the most."

Kyoya's hand went to the bottom of the shirt that I had on, fiddling with it. "When did you get up?"

"7 am or something like that, it was too damned early." I told him, letting my eyes once again slip closed.

He chuckled again, the sound only pushed me more towards a place between sleep and awake. "Well I can assure you it's not too early now."

"And just how would you know that?" I asked, my mouth turning up at one corner almost subconsciously as I opened my eyes to once again see him.

He smirked slightly, but it was soft and playful, "Because I'm awake."

A small giggle bubbled up and I did nothing to hold it back, even though it sounded almost foreign to my ears. Then again this feeling of complete euphoria is foreign as well. I couldn't help but smile up at him dazzlingly, "That in itself should've surprised me."

"Yes, yes it should've." He mumbled, pressing his lips to mine ever so lightly. He moved to my cheek and then neck, just feather light kisses that made the affection he felt quite clear.

I sighed and pulled myself closer to him, his hand slipping under the shirt and running lightly up to come to a rest on my hip. As he reached where my neck and shoulder connected I put a hand under his chin and made him raise his head. I smiled and pressed my lips to his, our lips moved in sync in a slow, content kiss that almost seemed lazy. He ran his tongue lightly across my bottom lip, but I pulled back.

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