Chapter Six

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Akira's POV

Tamaki had us in these weird costumes and I was leaning against his 'throne' again when the door opened. We all chorused, "Welcome."

The boy fell flat on his butt and I walked forward quickly, helping him up. He pushed me away from him and I took a step back kind of thinking, wtf...?

I listened as he talked to Tamaki and asked to be his apprentice. I groaned and said, "I do not want another Tamaki, one is enough thank you."

Tamaki got all hurt but bounced right back when the kid called him king again. Soon the host Club was open again and I was surrounded by girls. I had no special appointments today so it was a kind of a 'walk around and talk to whoever' day.

I was wearing my contacts like I do everyday and I got many complements on my eyes, while I turned the compliments around and told the girl that my eyes were nothing compared to hers. I talked and flirted with many girls, but I was bored. I wanted to go talk to Kyoya or mess with Tamaki. I don't know why but I just wasn't into this today. Still, I did my best to act like I did everyday.

I heard a tea set crash close by and excused myself, finding the little boy blaming Haruhi. Before I even knew what was happening a cage fell and trapped in the little boy. I got bored and tuned most of it out, while walking to stand next to Kyoya. When I tuned back in Tamaki was saying, "If this is what you really want Shiro, you're going to have to figure out how to use the material you already have."

"What does that mean?" Shiro, i guess his name was, asked.

Kyoya answered, "You see, here at the Ouran Host Club, our policy is to use our individual personality traits to meet the needs of our guests. For example there's Tamaki, who is the princely type. There's the strong silent type. The boy-Lolita type. The little devil type. The Natural type. What we call, the Badass type. The cool type. It's all about variety." When he said the Badass type I smirked and winked at the kid, showing it was me. "It would seem right now that we have a perfect blend of characteristics, so it's going to be difficult finding a new type for Shiro."

Everyone started talking again when suddenly we heard Renge talk from somewhere and I mumbled, "And here comes the bitch...."

Hikaru and Kaoru leaned their heads on either side of mine and asked, "Why do you not like Renge so much?"

I said, "No reason." I still snuck a small side glance at Kyoya to find him looking at me as well. I looked to where Renge was coming out of the ground, still talking or yelling whichever. I sighed and said, "I'm sitting this one out, Imma go take a nap." I yawned at the end, showing I was still being truthful.

"You want to leave with Renge here with us?" Kyoya whispered, "With me?"

I sighed knowing that it really did bother me but I said anyway, "I really don't care, I just didn't sleep very well last night."

Kyoya said, "Yeah I know, you called twice. I thought I helped a few days ago."

"You did, but nothing keeps them away forever." I told him walking over to the couch in the darkest corner of the room. I fell asleep in minutes.

I woke up hearing beautiful music filling the room. I sat up slowly, opening my eyes tiredly finding Tamaki playing the piano. I stood and walked to the grand piano when Tamaki started talking to the kid. I saw on the piano bench and placed my hands over the keys. I played one of my favorites a song I wrote myself. I called it 'Why?' I had lyrics to it but I knew my voice would give away the fact that I was a girl, so I played the notes loosing myself in the dark, dramatic, and meaningful music that filled the room.

As I played the final cords I realized I was crying. I finished the song, stood and walked out. Leaving everyone behind me and calling a car to come and get me.

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