Chapter One

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Akira's POV

I was looking for somewhere to do my work, knowing that if I went to the library it would be way too loud like it always is. I walked around for a while, listening for people. I found a closed door with a sign that said Music Room Three. My tour guide told me that this room was abandoned, so without a second thought I pushed open the door confidently.

I was blinded by light and rose petals floated around me. Once the light calmed down I found a group of guys in front of me, all dressed in the schools uniform, they all chorused, "Welcome."

I heard the door close behind me and I couldn't help but try to stand confidently, trying to show no weakness to any of these people. One said, "Hey, it's another boy."

The one with the dark hair and glasses asked Hikaru, "Isn't this one in your class as well?"

"Yeah, he always gets picked on though, he sits at the back of the class and doesn't talk to anyone." Kaoru answered.

"What's your name?" The one that looks like a little boy asked.

"Akira." I told him, not really being able to ignore or be rude to someone who looked so little, I'd always had a soft spot for kids.

"You can call me Honey, everyone does." He said smiling.

The one with glasses asked, "Aren't you the one that they have no last name on record? You're the first one to get in with an incomplete file you know."

I had no idea what to say to that so I just stayed quiet. The blonde one sitting on the kind of thrown thingy said, "You're kind of famous I'll bet. You're another inspiration to commoners! You showed them that they can succeed if they work hard!"

I leaned back against the door and forced out the harsh words that kept my image intact, not that I didn't wholeheartedly agree with them, "Listen here pretty boy, stop talking down on other people, just because they're different doesn't mean you have to treat them any different or make it a point to refer to them as commoners. And it sure doesn't give the people in this Damn school the right to bully anyone."

The guy stood up and walked to me. He put an arm around my shoulders and I tried to shrug it off but he wouldn't let me. He pulled me away from the door and said, "Now that I am sorry for. No one should be treating you any different and I want to make it up to you some how."

I walked forward away from his arm and said, "Thanks but no thanks. It's not like they're just going to stop."

He walked forward towards me and I backed away unconsciously, my 'girl instincts' kicking in and not liking him being this close to me. He backed me up farther and I bumped into something behind me. I turned quickly and saw a vase falling off a kind of pedestal. I leaned over the pedestal and just barely caught the vase, holding it by the top with only my fingertips. I let out a sigh of relief, but then the guy behind me yelled, "Good catch Akira!" I was startled and the vase fell from my grasp and shattered on the floor.

"Another one?" Hikaru said. "That's gotta be a record." Kaoru finished.

"He won't have enough money to pay either." The one with glasses said.

"Well, we already have a dog. What should we do with him?" The one behind me said.

Hikaru asked, "Why don't we see his potential first?"

"I don't see why not," The guy behind me said. He walked in front of me and put his hand under my chin. He swiftly moved my bangs away from my face, I had to restrain myself from blushing at how close we were. He said, "He could work, he's definitely good looking enough, but is he good enough with ladies?"

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