Chapter Eleven

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Akira's POV

"Wake up!" I heard someone whisper in my ear. My hand lashed out on instinct and slapped whoever it was. My eyes snapped open and I tried to sit up, but I was held down. I turned my head finding Tamaki in a kind of shock, or maybe he was fighting for consciousness....

Anyway I looked at Kyoya, who was still holding me against his chest. I sighed, Okay, how can I wake him up without him being grumpy..?

I twisted in his arms and moved so my face was inches from him. The upper half of my body was laying across him. I leaned in and ran my nose along his jaw line twice whispering his name. I kissed his ear softly and said just as softly, "Don't you want to see me?"

I felt him stir underneath me and I had to work hard not to smirk. I kissed his neck saying, "Kyoya~" He groaned and his arms tightened around me. I smiled and leaned back from him. I shifted again and put my forehead against his. I said, talking normal, "You really shouldn't keep me waiting like this, it's a little rude."

I kissed his lips lightly and he kissed back, confirming that he was awake. I pulled back from him gently, but he followed me, pulling me into his lap at the same time. I pushed myself to my knees and deepened the kiss. I about jumped out of my skin when Hikaru and Koaru both said, "You sure know how to wake someone up."

Kyoya pulled away from me instantly, my lips fell into a pout and I sat myself in his lap, my arms still wrapped around his neck. He started to say something, but I cut him off saying, "You guys wanna maybe do something without us for a little while?"

At that the twins walked out of the room muttering to themselves the whole way. Tamaki jumped up to say something, but when he looked at us he shut his mouth. He walked out with Mori who was carrying Honney. Haruhi started to walk out and I asked, "Haruhi?"

"I'll try and keep them away." She told me, already knowing where I was going.

I nodded smiling gratefully, "Thank you."

She nodded and walked out, closing the door behind her. The second the door clicked Kyoya asked, "So where were we?"

"I believe we were right about here." I told him raising to my knees again and kissing him. My hands threaded in his hair and pulled slightly, earning a little groan from him. His hands went to my bare thighs and I was glad, for once, that I wore short shorts to bed. His lips moved from mine to my neck, earning a moan from me as I felt him sucking on my sweet spot. I moved my hands down to his stomach, feeling the slim muscles tighten under my touch.

I couldn't help but run my hands over him. It's rare for us to be together like this. My hands went from his stomach to his well muscled back, feeling the smooth skin under my hands was... I don't even know how to describe it. My hands moved around to his arms, his arms were tight and- I moaned when he started kissing down my neck.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him backwards gently, both of us falling back against the bed. I moved my hair to one side and started kissing him again, not being able to help it. His hands went to my waist and he pulled me down, making me basically lay on him. I felt his hands start to roam my body and I pulled away for a breath. I let out a low groan when he ran his hands down my back, applying light pressure that drove me insane. I sat up, now only realizing that I was positioned right below his waist.

He smirked a little and said, "You know, it's really not fair..."

"What isn't?" I asked, still a little out of breath.

He rolled us suddenly and I gasped slightly when my back hit the mattress. His hands fingered the bottom of my tank top. He said, "Well, I don't have a shirt.."

I grabbed his hands and raised them, taking the tank top with them. He took it the rest of the way off and ran his hands over my stomach. He pulled one hand away and traced lightly along the edge of my bra, making me shudder. I raised my knee a little feeling it brush against him, feeling how hard he was. I said, "Kyoya..."

"I know." He told me leaning down to kiss me again.

I lowered my knee and pushed everything else out of my mind, focusing solely on him. His hand followed my curves up starting at my thighs. I arched my back slightly, making it easier on him when he followed my bra around to the back. He unclasped it easily and I slipped my arms out of the straps, leaving it in place. His hands went to my ribs and started up slowly. I felt his hands reach beside my bra and I almost groaned. I couldn't help but moan though when his hands slipped under my bra, messaging my chest lightly. He threw my bra somewhere, but I could only think about how his hands felt on me at this point.

He kissed me again but when he pulled away said, "If we're going to stop we need to now."

I sighed as he rolled off of me and I sat up, pushing my wild hair out of my face. I looked over at him laying next to me, his chest rising and falling quickly. I looked in his eyes, the same dark eyes that I look for comfort in so often. His eyes were traveling over my body as well before moving to meet my own. I held his gaze for a minute before moving.

I still held his gaze as I shifted so I was straddling his waist. I leaned down and broke eye contact to kiss him slowly and passionately. I could feel my chest against his and I couldn't help but shudder at the feeling. His hands rested on my hips and it felt like his hands were burning into my skin. I pulled away from him when I ran completely out of air and brushed my hair out of my face again, watching it fall towards the bed next to Kyoya and I. I shifted to one hand and set the other on his neck, feeling his fast pulse underneath.

He reached up and brushed my hair behind my ear, trailing down until his hand came to rest on my neck right above where my pulse was racing. "God I love you." I admitted.

He gently pulled me down to him and he kissed me softly before saying, "I love you too."

"Ooooo look at them!" I heard someone call. I looked to the doorway and found Hikaru standing there smirking. I faced my body away from him and Kyoya stood up, throwing my bra and tanktop at me when he found them. I put on my bra quickly and I heard voices coming closer. I slipped on my tank top and stood, starting to run my fingers through my hair.

Haruhi came into view and she even laughed when she saw me. I asked, "What?"

"Well, what do you want to start with? Your hair or the hickey?" She asked, still laughing.

I looked around the room, but found no mirror. I guess I'd have to wait until Kyoya got out of the bathroom. I finished running my hands through my hair and asked, "How bad?"

"The hickey is pretty bad, but your hairs fine." She told me.

I heard, "What are we looking at?"

I looked behind Haruhi and could just barely make out everyone else. I pulled a little bit of my hair over my shoulder in an attempt to hide the hickey and said, "Hey guys."

"Again, what are we looking at?" Tamaki asked.

Kyoya came out of the bathroom and stepped beside me. Pushing my hair out of the way to kiss my neck softly. About half of the guys blushed, excluding Hikaru and of course Mori. Tamaki was so red I thought he was gonna burst soon or something. I sighed and asked, "Any makeup?"

Kyoya laughed and dragged me by the hand into the bathroom. He took out this power thing and started dabbing my neck. When I looked at it again, the mark was gone. I mumbled, "The wonders of makeup."

"Come on, we better go otherwise they'll send someone." He told me, putting everything away. He took my hand into his and pulled me out of the room with him, heading to the same room as last night.

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