Chapter Three

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Akira's POV

The next day I walked in to the host club to find Haruhi getting a dance lesson. I walked over to the rest of the guys and asked, "We really do have to learn, don't we?"

"Yes, you do." Kyoya told me.

"Would you teach me then?" I asked him. I swear everyone around me looked at me stunned besides him. I said, "What? I can't really ask a girl. That's totally contradictory to my attitude around them."

Kyoya sighed and said, "Come." He stood and walked to the dance floor.

He gave me all the basics and then we started dancing. It was a little awkward at first because he was taller, yet still following me. I watched my feet carefully but after a few minutes I was sure I had it so I looked up at him. He said "You know, usually you have to tell someone to not look at their feet."

"I just feel like I've got the hang of it, so why keep staring at my feet? So where are you supposed to look?" I asked.

"Usually in someone's eyes, but right now that isn't necessary, we'll work on that later. Right now what I want you to do, is think about everything. Close your eyes and think about how it feels to lead the dance, how your steps are falling and how your partner is following you." He told me quietly.

I did as told and closed my eyes. I let my senses of touch and hearing take over. I felt every little touch, yet paid close attention to the places when his hands met either my hand or my body. I felt how in control I was and felt my steps. I opened my eyes and said, "That wasn't too hard."

He said back to talking normal so everyone could hear if they wanted to, "You know it's proper etiquette to look into someone's eyes when you dance, not at your feet."

I said, "Sorry Kyoya, can't really help it right now." I watched my feet, wondering why exactly he did that and why I played along without asking questions. We danced for a little longer before I said quietly, "I think I got it for now."

"Come on, let's take a break." He said talking normal still. I don't know why but it's almost like he's intentionally making me look worse to the others. We walked to the back for a glass of water. He said, "Tomorrow you should invite that girl to be you practice partner here, that way you wont have them watching you all night if you try to dance with someone."

"Thanks Kyoya. I was wondering what you were doing." I told him.

"Yeah, I figured as much." He said smugly.

I added, "Just like how you wondered how I did it yesterday."

I watched as his smug smile quickly evaporated into a small one. He said, "Touché."

We walked back to the others and watched as Haruhi finished her practice session.

*The dance*

I stood in an all black suit the twins had made me change into. I was off to the side a little bit next to Mori, yet somehow I still seemed to look separate from the group. I listened as Tamaki and Kyoya both spoke to the crowd, encouraging them to 'Dance to their hearts content'.

Soon most of them were on the dance floor, dancing gracefully with their partners that seemed to change every time I looked back at them. I was tapped on the shoulder and I looked down to see the girl from the private and the dance practice. I asked, "I'm sorry for not asking before but, what is your name?"

"Kaiya." She said quietly.

I smiled slightly and stood in front of her. I reached a hand out to her and asked, "Would you give me the honor of dancing with me dearest Kaiya?"

She put her hand in mine and said, "Of course Akira."

We walked quickly to the dance floor, in between the twins. We danced gracefully, seemingly perfect dancing partners. I led her confidently, letting her relax and follow me. She just needed someone to make her relax and she was a lot of fun and a great dancer.

The song ended and I was tapped on the shoulder, another girl wanting to dance with me. I told Kaiya quietly, "We can dance again later, I have to go."

"Of course." She told me smiling before she walked off the dance floor.

I turned and took the woman into my arms, dancing yet again. I even watched as Haruhi was dragged off, thinking nothing of it anymore. I've seen her get dragged everywhere by those twins.

I watched as they gave the couple their spot light dance and as we watched from the windows. I apologized and left my dancing partner to join the host club, standing next to Kyoya. I stayed silent as everyone else did watching their dance.

I listened as the twins announced the little switch up and how Haruhi would have to kiss her cheek instead. I wondered if she would actually do it. Would she go that far just to hide the fact she's a she? Not only that but Tamaki kind of forced her to kiss the other girl on the lips. I swear I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't help but snicker before trying to hide it.

Everyone started leaving after that. The twins left and so did Honney and Mori. Almost all the guests were gone and I had no way to get home. The twins had picked me up but they were already gone, plus the cab service only makes trips this late for paying customers. I walked up to Kyoya as he was dialing his phone and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Calling a family car to come pick me up." He told me.

"I was wondering- Well, you see I came with the twins but- I really don't have-" I stumbled along.

He smiled slightly and looked down at me. He said, "If you need a ride all you have to do is ask."

I smiled a little and asked, "Kyoya? Can you give me a ride home?"

He said into the phone, "On second thought, why don't you bring one of the nicer cars. We'll be taking a friend home."

We waited until the guests were gone and walked out with Tamaki. Tamaki asked, "Oh Akira. I didn't know you were still here. Didn't you come with Hikaru and Koaru?"

"Yeah, but they left earlier. So, I asked Kyoya for a ride." I told him.

"Alright, well I'll see you two at school tomorrow. I have to go." He told us.

"Bye Tamaki senpai." I told him.

He got in the back of his car and they drove away. Kyoya and I only waited a few seconds before a fancy car pulled up for us. Kyoya opened the door for me and then sat down next to me. Kyoya gave the driver my address quickly and we started driving.

I asked, "Do I even want to know how you knew my address?"

"Probably not." He told me.

"If you say so." I told him.

We rode in comfortable silence on the way to my apartment. Once we got there about an hour later I got out quickly and said, "Thanks for the ride Kyoya. I'll see you at school."

He nodded and I closed the door and walked up to my apartment, opening the door quickly. I stood in the door way and watched him drive off.

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