Detention for Little Ms Perfect?

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Throughout the entire class, I did not even say a single word to anyone -- I could barely even concentrate. Riley tried talking to me but once he saw my death glare, he quickly shut his mouth and went over to his friends.

Right after class, I hastily stormed out. But before I could even make it halfway to my locker, Riley grabbed my shoulders and spunned me around, "Hey, what's wrong with you Sabrina?" He asked with concern.

"Oh wow, since when did the school's bad boy care about my feelings when I'm just little old me?" I asked with anger seething out,"If this is your another lame attempt to find out who I like, then I'll be the first to tell you that it was all a joke. J. O. K. E. JOKE. Okay? Now get the fuck off my back will you?" Tears started to prickle my eyes causing me to instantly storm past him and went into the restroom - like a complete wreck.

I can't believe that I actually thought that he would still like me after all this time. I seriously screwed everything up after I decided that my revenge was more important than being with someone I truly liked. Why was I so affected by this? We didn't even have any beautiful memories. Am I just sad that I got rejected? But rejection is a normal everyday thing. I stared at myself in the mirror, tears slowly rolled down my cheeks, I didn't realise that my best friend had actually came into the restroom just to look for me.

"Oh my, why are you crying Sab?" She asked with concern in her eyes while she wiped my tears away with her thumb.

"I...I.. found out that..that..." I stammered while more tears rolled down my face,"that.. Spencer moved on and likes another girl." After completing the sentence, I burst into tears and curled into a ball on the restroom floor. If I wasn't this sad, I might have rolled my eyes in disgust since I'm practically sitting on the restroom's floor.

"Spencer? The guy that who always smiles to you, wave to you and talk to you before you got together with Liam? Why do you care if he likes someone else and moved on from you?"


"Wait, don't tell me. Let me guess. He liked you before didn't he? And, you had the same feeling towards him? He's the one you were referring to when you told Liam that you fell for someone else isn't he?! Gosh, why didn't you tell me, Sab? You can tell me anything, you know that don't you?" she sighed, rubbing my back.

I wanted to tell her. I really did. However, I was scared that she'll start judging me. She might be the person I trust the most in the entire world but she's still a human after all -- judging is just part of a human's nature no matter what. Yes, my faith in humanity is quite terrible some times. And having her know that I actually liked Spencer all that time was just.. Sad.

"I...I... i'm sorry Sum.. I wanted to tell you but..but I didn't know how. I know that if I told you, you might judge me or force me to talk to him and stuff. Please don't remind me about it." I sighed while more tears threatened to flow out of my eyes. It feels as though my heart was undergoing cardiac arrest with no hope of survival left for me. I let a perfect opportunity slipped through my fingers. Now, I'm stuck thinking about all the 'What Ifs'. What if I actually stopped with my whole plan and just went with my feelings. What if I actually tried to continue my friendship with him and not let my awkwardness get in the way? What if he didn't meet the girl that he liked so much? What if, what if, what if?

Thank god it was going to be the weekend because I didn't think that I'll be able to face Spencer or anyone as a matter of fact. I just had to mope around. Moping helps.

"Come on Sab, you got to get up, clean your face, hold your head up high and get to class. Why don't we have a girls' day out tomorrow to clear your mind instead of staying at home and overthink," Summer suggested with a small smile on her face.

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