Fun Run Madness

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| I'm really sorry , baby. I didn't mean to cause your phone to break |

| God damn it Riley. Stop it. This is your thousandth time apologising to me. It isn't your fault, it is mine. I just had to be so clumsy. |

Being in a relationship with Riley drove me nuts -- in a good way. Though I'm still getting used to the whole baby thing, it actually felt pretty good to have someone to shower me with love and care. I actually didn't have the guts to call him 'baby' or 'babe' back and decided to settle down with his name. I know, it wasn't affectionate but it'd have to do. 

I mean, it wasn't everyday my crush calls me pet names and got me blushing furiously -- even though it was just through a phone. Imagine how am I going to act if I see him. Damn that just screams embarrassment since my chance of messing up gets higher.

Fine, I was also still kind of prejudiced against the whole baby thing. Now would I ever understand why would anyone call someone else baby. Why are you calling someone a small human? It's cute and all but it's still painfully redundant.

Everything was wonderful and amazing however, the fact that Riley couldn't stop blaming himself for breaking my phone and the baby calling was pissing me off. I didn't know how many times I had to reiterate that it wasn't entirely his but was partially mine as well because I just had to be so damn clumsy but no. He had to insist that it's all his.

| No Riley. Just no. It isn't. Now, stop before I go on a rampage and make sure that u shut ur damn mouth up. |

| No, it's my fault >:( btw, want to go out tmr? |

Okay, I know what you guys are thinking. 'How the hell did she message Riley when her phone broke?' Well, let's thank god for a moment right now that I actually kept my old phone instead of throwing it or trading it for my current broken phone. Though it was excruciatingly slow and threw me off my nerves, it was the best I got if I didn't want to be phone-less. Let me tell you this, my dad was NOT happy that I brought home a broken phone and I had to lie that I accidentally bumped into something and it flew out of my hands -- to prevent him from going crazy and demand Riley to pay for the damages. And no worries, I'd already sent my phone for repair but they said that it'd take 7 working days. 7! Not including weekends! God damn it.

| Go where? Don't you remember we have a bio pop quiz on monday? |

I'd be more than happy to go out with Riley if we were just friends but now, since we're a couple, I'd got no idea if I'm that ecstatic. Now, don't get me wrong, I would love to go out with him but just imagine me blushing constantly. I know, by now I should be comfortable around Riley and mess things up without even feeling that embarrassed but now that we're a couple, it changes everything.

And I always had this instinct in me to run. You know the whole fight or flight reaction? Well, I'm always leaning towards the flight reaction. I couldn't help it. It's just something that I'm extremely used.

| Come on, Brina. Just come out and we can study together. |

| If you can get other people to go then sure. |

I'm not going to go through the 'first date awkwardness' that everyone went through before. Yes, he already knows who I was and how I did things but being a couple changed things a little.

No matter how much you know of the person before you start dating, you'd still want to put on your best behavior on your first few dates right? Or was it just me again?

But! Imagine how weird it'd be for the both of us if no one else went? I know the whole point of a date is to know the person you're dating on a more personal and intimate level and should be done without any other intrusions but I wasn't so accustomed to the idea. It was almost like I was afraid of Riley eating me alive.

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