Hatred Makes The Best Cup of Tea

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Believe me, I'd placed avoiding Riley as one of my options last night. I really did. But I'd come to a conclusion and decided to went against it and fuck what Sarah said. Since when did I give a fuck? And why should I start now?

She could threaten me all she wanted, nothing was going to stop me from being with Riley. I'm happy with him and that's that. If she thought that I would willingly give up my happiness because of something as petty as a rumor, well, she's more of an egg head than I thought.

"I'm really sorry again, for yesterday," I apologized for what seemed like the hundredth time just this morning -- which was starting to piss Riley off. I just felt terrible even considering leaving Riley because I was to save my ass. How could I have possibly done that? That should've been below me.

"It's okay, I understand. You don't need to apologize to me every single second of the day. Besides, it's not like it's the first time you went all moody on me." He shook his head in amusement. I really felt bad for being kind of cold to him and not allowing him into my house for drinks even when he sort of asked me. I mean, what kind of girlfriend did that to her boyfriend? Well, me but I'm an exception.

"I'll see you in class." I tip-toed and gave his cheek a quick peck before turning around to face my locker. Throughout the entire process -- including me shoving and pulling out books from my locker -- I could feel Sarah's stares burning holes right through the side of my head. See if I gave a damn about what she thought.

We didn't really do anything productive in class and the only thing that we did was either talking or catching up on our sleep -- with occasional glares from Sarah of course. But there was something that completely threw me off guard -- not really but still shocked me. Ricky had to open his mouth and yapped about my relationship status with Riley in front of Natasha and her best friend, Maya. And instead of the usual "Really?" reactions, he received the, 'Yeah, we know. We're not blind you know' reaction. What made everything worse was that I was right in the room and I could hear every single word that they said. Sorry if my love life bored them to death that they had to result to sarcasm to get through with their lives.

We were now tasked with English worksheets for us to "kill time". I was being a model student by doing the worksheets but I started giving answers to poor Jace and now, I'm right in the middle of a hilarious discussion with Riley, Alex and Jace. Don't ask me how because it just happened -- and I didn't even plan it. "Hey Natasha, can I use your stapler?" I walked over to Natasha, carrying the stack of worksheets -- which was about 5 sheets -- over to her seat.

"Sure," She said, handing me her stapler. After stapling all of the worksheets together, I said a quick thank you before giving our teacher the paper.

"What's up, Nicole." I nodded my head up as a greeting, walking over to where the boys and Nicole were now located at.

"Do you know that Nicole and Maya are like bitching about you right now?" Nicole leaned in to the group circle, whispering so that only the few of us can hear what she's saying and to others, an inaudible sound.

"What are they saying?" I leaned in to show how interested I was in what they're saying about me.

"Well, they said something about Ricky stating the obvious and telling them something that they already know since you guys show too much PDA in classes, how her stapler now contains your 'germs' with an added 'ew' in front and that they don't see why did Riley choose you when she's better."

"What the fuck? My germs? Oh, I feel so tempted to just sneeze all over her and her belongings at this point of time," I scoffed at how silly she was acting. Seriously, germs? What, was this elementary school again? Oh, I sure didn't hope that she came down with a serious case of the 'Sabrina Fever' - though it'd do her some good with her looks and hair.

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