Juice Boxes

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"Are you guys done yet? It has been 40mins, you guys are still talking and my shirt is getting sticky," Whined Riley, gesturing to his chocolate stained shirt.

"Can't you wait a little while longer? Have some patience dude." I rolled my eyes at him, resuming the conversation with the girls.

"Please, Brina. You owe me and it's not nice making someone wait this long," He grumbled. He was right, if I were in his position, I would be doing the same thing or maybe even worse since I'm not exactly the most patient person in the entire universe. I exchanged looks with all the girls before getting approving nods from them allowing me to leave. 'Thank god' I screamed at the back of my head -- I finally had a ticket to get out of shopping.

I stood as I stared at Riley giving him the cue to stand so that we could both leave the place. Once he saw it, he quickly stood as I grabbed all my bags and left towards the car park. "Where's your car, Riley?" I questioned him, looking around trying to find his amazing car. He pointed towards the end of the car park where I saw it

I quickly dragged him towards the car and hopped onto the driver's seat, prepared to drive home as he gave me a stare. "What?" I snapped at him.

"Move over to the passenger seat, Winters. You can't drive." He answered with a serious tone. Oh, he did not just go there.

"It doesn't mean that when someone doesn't have a car, means that they can't drive. Oh please, I have a driver's license for heaven's sake," I grumbled, taking out my driver's license to show it to him as proof.

"I still don't trust you, Brina. You might get both of us killed with your reckless driving," He replied still keeping a straight face. When did Mr Fun turned to Mr Serious? Reckless driving? You don't see me dying while I had my driver's test.

"You better trust me or you're not going to get your car back and you'll have to walk all the way home," I threatened, placing both of my hands on the steering wheel with a villainous grin plastered onto my face.

"You're really difficult you know?" He complained. Just as I was about to gloat in victory, he opened the door, unbuckled my seat belt, carried me and place me on the passenger's seat before getting on the driver's seat with a malicious grin on his face. It all happened so fast that I could not even react. I was in complete shock when he did that, so shocked that I couldn't retaliate by kicking or screaming.

Riley : tons, Sabrina : 0.


The car ride was silent as he kept grinning while I pouted like a little kid. I could sense victory emitting from his body. As we arrived at the driveway of my house, I quickly jumped out of the car and sped off towards the front door of my house.

Just as I was going through the contents of my bag trying to find my keys, Riley appeared next to me. How the hell did he get here so fast? Did he eat some pills that let him have superhuman speed or am I just too slow to realise that he walked here at a normal pace and I've been too busy trying to find the key to notice him. Probably the first one. Curse his superhuman legs.

Once I found my keys, I quickly opened the door and got in as I stared at him waiting for him to come in. "What? Aren't you going to invite me in? You know, that's what nice people do," He said as his lips twitched up with amusement.

"Come on in, Riley," I sang sarcastically, staring at him with a fury that is so palpable that I'm sure it could get the whole house set on fire and burn us both alive if a match was lit.

"Now, is that so hard Brina?" He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Stay right here and don't touch anything. Wait for me while I go up and fetch you a new t-shirt," I ordered, running upstairs to my room to find an over-sized t-shirt from my dad to give it to him.

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