Realisation On The Beach (end)

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It took Riley another 10 minutes before he finally returned back to the bike rental shop. His hair was in a mess, he looked worn out and his toe was undeniably bloody -- not saying that I'm complaining. Surprisingly, not a single trace of sweat was found on his body. Everyone around me was sweating like mad dogs but Riley wasn't. And what made it even stranger was that he had to walk all the way back here. Damn, was that guy cold blooded or something? It wouldn't be surprising though.

"Aw, did the little boy got hit by a matter of bad luck?" I faked sulked, patting his messy hair.

"It isn't funny, Brina. I had to walk all the way back here all because of some malfunctions on my bike." He claimed that this was all the bike's fault but if he checked the bike's condition and be nicer to others, that might not have happened. Karma!

"Sure, Riley. Blame the bike." I laughed while he just gave me a disapproving frown.

"Do you know that I want to slap you so badly but I can't because my hands are dirty and I'll end up dirtying your pretty face?" His frown deepened but with a tinge of laughter in it. Wait. He can't slap me because his hands are dirty? Hell yeah, motherfuckers! Time for my revenge.

I gave him a wicked grin before starting on my simple revenge: making fun of him, slapping him and irritate him beyond humanly possible.

"Zander, you look drunk." I laughed, pointing out the obvious. His cheeks looked so red like what a drunkard would look like and with how tired he looks, it helped to enhance his entire look.

"You look drunk too," Zander replied, chuckling to himself while I gave him a sulk.


"Riley, seriously, you need to go buy something to eat." I gave him a worried look. We'd been out the entire day and he didn't eat anything except the junk food we bought for the picnic. He should be famished by now but yet, he didn't went to buy food when the rest of us did.

"Seriously? Angel Winters?" Riley asked unbelievably.

"Angel? How the hell do you know my middle name." I trailed off when I finally saw that he's looking at my driver's license. Shit. "Give it back to me you ass!" I hollered at him.

"No, Angel, ask for it nicely." He grinned evilly.

"Don't call me that. And stop changing the subject, seriously, go buy something to eat."

"Whatever, Angel. You're not the boss of me."

"Don't call me that!" I roared. Everyone quickly turned and look at me glaring at Riley. Everyone was seated in a huge circle, while Riley, me and two more guys are seated away from them. It's not that I didn't want to join them, it was because I was too lazy to move and partly because I was the first few who bought their own food and when the rest came back, they gathered into a circle to eat together.

"Come here, guys," Zander said, trying to suppress his laughter. God, don't tell me everyone heard the whole Angel thing. I quickly stood up and went to join their little group along with the others while Riley stayed at his position to play 'Clash of Clans' -- and he calls me lazy.

"Hey Sab, get Mr Anti-Social over here to join us, it looks as though we're excluding him to purpose," Zander pleaded after numerous failed attempts of getting Riley over here to join in with the festivities.

"What makes you think he'll listen to me?" I questioned him.

"Oh, Sab, are you really clueless or are you pretending? Of course he'll listen to you."

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