A Change For The Worse?

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I grabbed a white top with a black skull printed on it with a pair of over-washed light blue jeans and a pair of brown knee-length boots, before hurrying to place everything on and running out towards the front door fully aware that I'm going to be late for school. So, that was what I get for staying up until 3 am in the morning watching movies. Should've known not to do it if I knew that I'd be that late. Every part of me hoped that a certain someone with a beautiful black car would be waiting for me at my front porch to drive me to school so that I won't be late but... All of my hopes got crushed as I rushed out and saw nothing out there. No one.

With all the days to choose, he just had to choose that one to not show up. And I praised his car! God, I'm going to be so late and I didn't even have a ride. I quickly grabbed my hair and place it in a high ponytail and ran the fastest that I could in hopes that I'd reach school on time. But I knew that I needed to run at least 100 miles an hour just to barely reach there on time.

I ran as fast as my feet could take me but ended up in school 15 minutes late. I quickly grabbed my books and made my way to my first class as quietly as I could. I crept into the class hoping that the teacher would not catch me but I'm clearly not the stealthiest person alive.

"Ms. Winters, are you aware that you are 15 minutes late for my class?" Mrs. Landor crossed her arms at me as her eyes scanned me from head to toe.

I cringed. "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Landor, I woke up late and ran to school as fast as my feet could take me," I apologized, trying to slow down my rapid breathing. It just had to be her class for the first period of the day. Just my luck having class taught by a teacher who couldn't stand tardiness.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. You're supposed to arrive to school on time. For coming in late, you'll earn yourself two hours of detention, Ms. Winters." Mrs. Landor walked over to the table where she filled in the pink slip before handing it over to me.

I'm sweating so terribly that I think the back of my shirt was filled with sweat stains, my hair's in a mess, I smell terrible, my skin feels sticky, I'm hungry and I just received another detention. It wasn't even lunch yet and I started my day horribly.

I turned my head to face Riley, and gave him my hardest glare as he chatted with Sarah like she's the good friend instead of me. "Ahem" I said trying to gain Riley's attention. It took him a while but he finally faced me.

"Yes, Brina?" He said with a huge smile plastered onto his face.

"Where were you this morning? Just when I needed your ride the most, you disappeared," I hissed at him.

"I was waiting for you up front in the morning. You didn't come out so I went to pick up Sarah so that I won't be late," He answered me, pointing over to Sarah, "I thought you wouldn't mind me not picking you up for today."

Sarah. Of course, they barely knew each other and he's treating her so nicely. I stared at him for a long time not saying anything and that got him smirking.

"Dude, you should at least tell me. And besides, it's always your annoying habit to come and pick me up and wait no matter how long I was taking. You're Riley Sparrows. You don't give a shit about coming in late. And, since when did you start picking her up?" I whisper-shouted at him making sure that Sarah couldn't hear what I'd just said.

"Well, she asked if she could have a lift and I just agreed to her. Look, I'm sorry that I didn't pick you up but I promise I'll do it next time. Oh! And I finally got Christina's number and started chatting with her last night!" He said with excitement in his voice, his eyes twinkled with happiness.

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