Study Group Jitters

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It had been some time since I last chatted with Riley on my phone or having him give me a ride to school. He had been so preoccupied with Sarah and his new toy: Christina. Yeah, they got together after he talked to her for a week. As much as I'm happy for him, I'm kind of disappointed that I'd drifted apart from him. Seeing him talk to Sarah, or as he liked to call 'Rara', got me so frustrated and angry. Whenever I saw them talking to each other, I wanted to pull my hair out and wished that she's me.

I tried my best to avoid him in school but failed. Most of the teachers placed us next to each other because they wanted me to 'keep a look out' for him. Who's brilliant idea was that? I'm not capable of shutting him up even if it's to save my ass.

Saying that it was awkward sitting near him would be an understatement. Sure, he still teased me and tried to create a conversation between the both of us but it just wasn't the same. He had his own girl, and a great friend, that I'm sad to say but wasn't me.

Realising the time, I'm about to be late for the study group! When the tests started, our friends decided to have a study group where a few of us would come together and study for the tests that we had the next day. But honestly, it was more like a hang out group. We barely did any studying. It was a surprise that any of us actually passed our tests.

I quickly got out of my clothes that I wore to school and changed to a t-shirt, a pair of blue denim shorts and my sandals before brushing my hair, grabbing my bag and leaving the house.

It was the second study group session and yet, I still felt all jittery. I mean, yesterday's study group was nice since I got to actually converse with him. It felt good, throwing each other insults and taunts. I didn't realise how much I missed actually talking to him until yesterday. It was all good until he decided to start talking about Christina. Once I heard even the slightest mention of her from him, I shut everything out. Looks like he really did like her.


"Hey guys!" I greeted with a bright smile, making my way over to them. Our usual study group meeting place was at this quaint Japanese food court that had a study area.

"Hey Sabrina!" All of them greeted with smiles. As I took a seat, I realised a certain someone was missing due to the lack of disturbance. Okay, maybe I was looking at everyone and noticed that he wasn't there yet. Why do I even care?

"Where's Riley?" I inquired.

"He said that he'll be late." Zander replied while continue going through all of his notes. Zander was one of the smartest guy in the entire school. Okay, scratch that, he was the smartest since he topped the entire level for finals last year.

Zander had beautiful tanned colored eyes, a tall, lean figure and beautiful brown colored hair. He might be a seriously smart but still looked great and that's how he got the title, 'hot nerd' from some girls in school. 

"Why? Is a someone missing a certain someone?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me before returning to his well-written notes. Instead of using one of my many snappy comebacks, I stood there, shocked and shot him a quick glare before sitting down next to him and grabbed all of my notes.

As I was studying, a group of our friends came and sat next to us busy chatting away. Everyone in the study group slowly started to chat with them and before we knew it, all of us were busy chatting away. I was having fun actually until I accidentally called a friend of mine 'Riley'.

Everyone turned and look at me, realizing what I just said, I quickly placed my hand to cover my mouth. I definitely did not see that coming. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I mean Ricky." I quickly corrected myself. Everyone started giving me looks begun making fun of me.

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