Movies, tickles and miracles (continue)

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Christina Freaking Yellow was calling Riley.

I repeat, Christina Freaking Yellow was calling Riley.

Why was she calling Riley?!

Both Riley and I exchanged looks of pure and utter shock -- or horror as you would like to call it -- before I nodded and allowed him to pick it up. But as soon as he was about to slide it to answer, Christina stopped calling and left a missed call on Riley's lock screen. "What was that about? Why did she call you?" I murmured.

"I've got no idea." He sighed.

"Aren't you going to call her back?"

"Why would I?" Riley smiled at me before shrugging it off and continuing with our hunt for scary pictures.

"Remember to go Instagram and like the picture guys," Zander announced to everyone in the room. I swapped perplexed looks with Riley, turning around to face Zander.

"What picture?" I inquired looking at Zander with bewilderment.

"Oh nothing." He grinned deviously, wiggling both of his eyebrows. I quickly shot up from the floor to grab my phone that Leo and Ryan were currently using. I went into Instagram and saw three pictures that involved Riley and me acting all lovey dovey posted by me. I quickly deleted it before anyone saw that or even worse: Christina. With my doubting nature, I went onto Twitter to check if they tweeted anything or changed my bio -- which they did. One of the tweets that they tweeted was Riley's full name with a heart beside it and they changed my bio to 'Riley Wade Sparrow's'. I didn't know that Riley's middle name was Wade. I immediately deleted the tweets and changed to bio before shooting the both of them looks of anger.

There aren't a lot of things that I'm proud of in my life. But me not being one of those kind of girls who related everything to their boyfriends and told the world that they're together, was one of the things that made me proud of being me.

I sat at the empty space on the couch with a sigh before Riley came crashing down on the space between me and Heather. With the limited space, Riley still managed to tickle the heck out of me before laying on the couch covered with sweat and heavy pants. The increase in my heartbeat and everything that happened to me today was definitely not helping and I could feel that I was about to regurgitate and come down with a fever -- since I was actually having cold sweat right now.

Riley noticed my uneasiness and instantly sat up examining me to check if I was alright. "Are you alright, Brina?" Riley asked concernedly, placing the back of his hand on my forehead. "Shit, you're having cold sweat and your forehead feels kind of warm." He quickly touched my arms before tensing up, looking at me straight in the eyes. "Correct that. Your whole body feels warm. You're getting sick, Sabrina."

"No I'm not. I don't fall sick this easily." I corrected, pouting like a kid. Actually, my immune system was pretty weak and I always ended up coming down with a flu easily -- especially anything related to my stomach.

"I'm worried, Sabrina. Stop acting, you're obviously getting sick right now."

"No! I'm okay, Riley! Listen to me for once! Well, even if I get sick, at least both of us will get sick together," I laughed.

"Seriously, Sabrina?" Riley ran his hand through his hair as I gave him a quick wink. 

Everyone was staring at us as though we're the main couple here instead of Selena and her boyfriend -- it looked as though the both of us were having a competition on who looked more like a couple. 

I gave all of them an awkward smile before Zander cleared his throat and said that he's going to go now which made all of us leave together with him. Eventually, I got out of Miranda's house with my phone that I successfully snatched back from Leo who held onto it as though his life depended on it. We thanked Miranda and said our good byes as Riley stood beside me and grabbed my hand together with his.

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