The Angel and The Devil

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"Does it hurt?" Riley looked at me from the corner of his eyes while driving. Normally, I would've screamed at him saying that it was dangerous for doing that and it could possibly get both of our lives taken away. But, since I kind of brought this upon myself by interfering with the little tiff, I'd shut my mouth.

"What do you think?" I groaned in pain, touching the bruised spot on my left cheek. After saying my miraculously long speech, douchebag #1 punched me straight across my left cheek. Where's the respect for females that I deserve? And shouldn't he stop his damn punches? I was pretty sure that the speech was very empowering -- and not for the wrong reasons. It should've broadened his horizons.

"You should've just listened to me and stayed behind me but no. You just had to prove that you're some kind of hero and interrupt the scene," Riley scoffed, rolling his eyes and returning them back on the road. I swear I caught a tiny glimpse of pain, anger and relief in his eyes. Yeah, he should've felt relieved. All thanks to the all amazing me, his butt was saved for the day. They should've gave me a superhero name.

"Hey, you should be thanking me. If it wasn't for me, they would've beaten you to a pulp. And who knows, your face might get so disfigured that it'll be beyond recognition and you have to go for surgery in order for it to look like a face."

"I can take care of myself, if you don't mind. I'm not a baby okay. By helping me, you ended up getting yourself hurt." He sighed.

"Well, if getting punched was what it took to save you from getting beaten senselessly, why not? It only left a small bruise anyway." I shrugged it off as if I did this everyday -- which I didn't, I ain't no thug.

"I'm supposed to be the hero and you're supposed to be the damsel in distress. Not the other way around. And that bruise is far from small, it looks as big as the size of Australia." He exaggerated. Please, it isn't really that large. I think.

"We shouldn't always follow tradition. It's time to spice it up by adding a plot twist. Besides, at least this is toughening me up for the real world." I can't believe I could still be joking at a time like this, even though my face hurt like hell. 

After reaching my house, Riley quickly got off his car and came to my side to open the door for me and helped me to get out. "I'm not disabled you know? It's only a bruise," I scoffed. He just rolled his eyes at me and led me to the front door.

"Let me see the bruise, Brina." He cupped my face and turned me around so that he could have a closer inspection.

"It is no big deal, dude. Seriously, don't act as if I broke an arm or something."

He gently rubbed the bruised area on my left cheek with his right thumb. He slowly and carefully caressed my bruised cheek as though it was fragile and might just shatter if he used a little more force on it. 

If getting beaten up was all it took to receive special treatment, well then, I should've been a hero long ago -- kidding of course. 

He raised his gaze and rested it onto my eyes. Both of our brown eyes pierced into each other. His eyes shined with pain, anger, sadness and something else that I just couldn't seem to grasp a hold of.

"I'm sorry I brought this upon you. I don't exactly like to see you hurt. It makes me feel so guilty knowing that I've caused this and it pains me." He confessed softly as though he wanted only me in on his secret and nobody else.

"It's okay, I should've listened to you instead of being ignorant, especially in a time like that. Being a egghead doesn't always pay off," I laughed. I'm really messed up aren't I? I couldn't believe I still had the cheek to joke. Well actually, I did. A bruised cheek and a normal one. Queue in the laughter.

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