Chapter Four.

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Sorry it took so long, but i've had coursework for English in college and i have to write that so i'm pretty manic at the moment but i will try and upload as much as i can :) 

video in the corner i love one direction hehe :D 

Kim x


Chapter Four.

I woke up to an empty bed; Alex was obviously already up because his clothes were all over the floor. My bedroom door opened and in walked Alex with just a towel around his waist, I couldn’t help but stare.

“Oh Ell, I didn’t know you were up” he said drying his hair with another towel.

“I only just got up,” I said sitting upright.            

“Don’t forget, party tonight” he grinned and left my room after picking up all his clothes. I got out of the bed and looked in the mirror, I was a mess. My hair was all over the place, my mascara was all down my face and I had a brand new pimple right on my forehead. I walked straight to the shower to sort myself out.

After my shower I got changed into some comfy clothes and decided to go into Alex’s room to see what was going on. I didn’t bother knocking I just walked in. Alex was sitting on the bed with his eyes closed and his earphones in. I jumped on the bed and startled him, he took his earphones out.

“What the hell did you do that for?” he screamed, still in shock.

“Felt like it,” I said shrugging my shoulders while sitting at the bottom of his bed. He got up out of the bed and came really close to my face.

“Don’t do it again” he said seriously.

“Why not, what are you going to do?” I said smirking. He started tickling me and I’m highly ticklish, I went straight into hysterics wriggling all over his bed. He finally stopped after about 10 minutes of non-stop tickling.

“What did you come in here for in the first place anyway?” he asked me while I was still trying to catch my breath.

“What times the party tonight?”

“Oh it starts at 7 but we gotta go there early to help out, so be ready by 5” I nodded, that gave me 2 hours to get ready. I walked out of Alex’s room giving him a chance to change and get ready, as he took longer than me. I went into my room and started to try and pick an outfit to wear. I was stuck between my black skirt and bright pink top, my short black dress and my strappy red dress. I went to Alex’s room to ask his opinion; he chose the strappy red one. I slipped into the dress then did my hair and make-up; I curled my hair and tried not to put too much make-up on.

One and a half hours later and we were both ready. Alex was taking his Ferrari as he wasn’t going to drink, that didn’t stop me though.

We drove up to this huge mansion, it was bigger than Alex’s house, it had security gates outside, and Alex drove up to the speaker box.

“Yo dude, let me in” he said and the gates opened. We drove up a gravel path, Alex pulled into one of the four garage doors. We got out of the car in the garage and went through a door that leads into the kitchen; it was a black, white and red theme, very modern. In came this boy wearing a black shirt and dark denim jeans, he hugged Alex and then looked at me with his bright green eyes.

“Is this Ellie?” he asked

“Yeah, that’s my name” I said to him.

“Ben!” screamed a red headed girl who ran into the room, she was about the same age as me but very pretty.

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