Chapter Thirty Two.

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Okay i am like so sorry i haven't uploaded for ages, i've been so busy with college and coursework. I will try and upload more frequently up to Christmas because i love Christmas :D 

I need to upload more because i lost fans :( so sad. 

But i hope you like this chapter:) quite a few chapters now will be written in Alex's POV so i hope you like them. 

Song in side i am obsessed with :D hehe 

Kim :D! 


Chapter Thirty Two.

Alex’s POV.

Ellie stayed in the car when we got to the airport, I could see in her eyes she wasn’t ready to say goodbye once again, I mean it had only been four days this time. I waved to her as we walked through the airport doors but she didn’t see me, she was looking down at her feet. We went through customs and got on the plane straight away, I was wearing my usual hat and sunglasses look, no one noticed me.

Once on the plane I couldn’t stop thinking of Ellie, how could I leave her again? I had to sort this out, I’m getting sick of it.

A few days later…


“Alex!” Drake screamed through a megaphone, he loved that thing.

“Sorry” I said after drifting off for the third time today. Everyone was happier in England, ever since we left my mum has been down, I hate seeing her like that.

I sat there with my elbows on the table barely awake, waiting for my cue.

“Alex, snap out of it!” Drake screamed but I didn’t pay any attention to him, I couldn’t concentrate.

“Why are you like this?” Drake came over and whispered in my ear.

“I am really sorry but I have to go” I said getting up.

“Where are you going?” he said pushing me back down in the chair.

“I have to think,” I said pushing past him.

“If you walk any further your fired,” he screamed while pointing his finger at me. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around.

“No, because I quit” I shouted and walked out of the building, got into my car and drove home as fast as I could.

I walked into my house and my mum was in the kitchen making dinner.

“Hey honey, how was your day?” she said smiling.

“I quit” I said sitting on the counter next to her.

“You what?” she shouted so loud that Olivia came running down the stairs.

“Ooo what’s he done now mum?” she said sitting at the breakfast table.

“He quit,” she said spitting out the words.

“How could you do this Alex, you know your our only income, without you working we have no money coming in to pay for the house or anything” she said without breathing.

“Mum calm down I have a plan” I said putting my hands on her shoulders to try and get her to breathe.

“And what is this plan?” she said getting worked up again, I just took her hand and then Olivia’s and sat them down on the couch. I stood in front of them as if I was going to make a speech.

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