Chapter Nineteen.

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Kim :D

Chapter Nineteen.

"but why Ellie?" Alex exclaimed while throwing his arms up in the air.

"I want to see my friends, you knew I would have to go home at some point" I said trying to ignore his gaze and carried on packing my bag.

"Ellie, it's not my fault we broke up, I thought you wouldn't be this stubborn! And don't even try to tell me it's not about that because I know you too well" he folded his arms and sat on my bed. He did know me well but I wasn't going to admit it.

"it's not that Alex, I miss my home and my friends" I said sighing and then sat next to him. He put his arm around me and sighed.

"I knew this relationship wouldn't work out, we were just meant to be friends, best friends eh?" he chuckled and lightly nudged me in the stomach with his elbow.

"yup" I said and did the same back just a little harder. He turned and looked at me with an evil glare.

"it's gonna be like that then, is it?" he shot up and jumped on me, tickling me all over. I hated being tickled.

"Alex stop!" I screamed through the laughter. I waved my arms about and kicked my legs trying to make him stop but it was no use, he was way too strong. It was times like these I wished we lived closer together.

After screaming so loud, my mother came up and asked what was going on, he finally stopped.

"you know you two used to always do this" she chuckled as she left the room and closed the door. I sat on the edge of the bed panting, Alex sitting next to me doing the same. Tickling is hard work. Being tickled is even harder work.

"you'd think at seventeen we would have grown up" Alex said laughing.

"psh, I'm still six inside" I said jumping on the bed and bouncing up and down, giggling like a maniac. Alex stood up and joined me. The two of us acting like we were six again and it was so much fun. After bouncing for ages, I was finally out of breath, I flopped on the bed and laid there looking up at the ceiling, Alex did the same.

"nice view isn't it" he said sarcastically. I nudged him in the stomach.

"you wanna start that again" he said laughing.

"no, I'm fine" I said holding my hands up in surrender.

"I'm gonna miss this, you know" I sighed, now I didn't want to go. But I have to, if I don't go now, I'm never going to be able to leave. I looked into his big blue eyes.

"I know me too, but I have to go, we went over this!" I said sitting up to avoid eye contact. He sat up, put his hand on my chin and pulled my face to look at his.

"why won't you look at me?" he asked trying to look me in the eyes.

"because I still love you!" I blurted out and my hands ran to my mouth, I really shouldn't of said that. He sighed.

"I love you too Ellie, but this won't work, you live in England and I live here, it's too far apart to meet all the time and I can't do long distance relationships" he put his hand on my cheek and smiled.

"but we will always have this summer to remember" I smiled this summer had been one to remember, it surely would be one I would never forget.

My mum then walked into the room.

"honey your dad changed the tickets so that we are leaving tomorrow" she noticed my gaze on Alex.

"is that okay?" she asked, I nodded, I knew this was coming and asked for it to come earlier but was I doing the right thing? My mum smiled and left the room. Alex was still gazing at me in shock, he knew I was leaving early why was he so shocked.

"tomorrow? That means we have one day left together, what do you want to do?" he said trying to sound chirpy, I didn't want to dampen his mood even more but I had a lot of packing to do.

"I'm sorry but I really need to pack, you can help me if you want" I said smiling.

"umm, no it's okay, the football is on, I'll see you at dinner" he then got up and left the room, I felt bad for letting him down but I really have to pack, I was leaving in less than twenty four hours. I plugged my iPod into the speakers on the desk and blasted the lazy song by Bruno Mars. I attempted to fold all my clothes before putting them in my suitcase but gave up halfway through and ended up chucking them in. By the time dinner was ready I had packed my suitcase, I had to get Olivia to sit on the lid to close it but it was packed and ready to go.

I sat at the dinner table next to Olivia and across from Alex, who stared at me for the whole of dinner. After eating dinner, I was ready for bed. On my way up the stairs I was stopped by Alex.

"we need to talk" he said.

"about?" I said vaguely.

"i'll tell you now" he said grabbing my arm and dragging me to my room.

I sat on the edge of the bed and he sat next to me.

"look, are we going to keep in touch when you leave?"

"I hope so..." I sighed, I wish we would, hopefully we would.

"can we?" he smiled.

"we can, call, write, email and message each other on Facebook" I said laughing. He nodded and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'll miss you, you know" he said sighing.

"I'll miss you too Alex, but we will meet up again soon" he nodded and left, I went to the closet and picked up the pair of pyjamas I hadn't packed. I got into the bed and fell fast asleep.

I got up the next morning with two hours until I had to catch the plane. I prepared my hand luggage, I put in my iPod, book and phone. Alex strolled into the room.

"my mum woke me up" he said yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"she said I had to see you before you left" he slowly walked towards me. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close into his body. I would miss the smell of him in the morning, his minty fresh breath and his coconut scented hair. Even though he wouldn't see me, I could still see him on the TV.

"come on, let's go and catch some sun before you have to go home to rainy England" he said chuckling as he dragged me out of the house while I was still in my pyjamas. We sat out the back on the sun loungers and sat in the California sun. I hadn't really sunbathed the whole time I'd been here, I would be going back home whiter than what I came. Alex went into the house and came back out with a fresh glass of lemonade for me, it was so refreshing in the heat.

"what time is it?" I asked Alex, he looked at his watch.


"shoot, I have an hour to get ready" I wanted to have a shower before I went on the plane. I wasn't really a fan of planes, I found them too enclosed and I don't like heights.

I put the lemonade glass on the table and headed up to my room, I grabbed the clothes I was going to wear on the plane and went to the bathroom, I picked a pair of shorts and a T-shirt for the plane ride so I would be comfortable. After my shower, I dried and plaited my hair. I put the clothes I wore into my suitcase and took my suitcase downstairs ready for my father to put them in the car. I went back upstairs and knocked on Alex's bedroom door. He shouted come in, so I slowly opened the door and peeped my head around the door. He was laying on the bed reading a magazine on cars.

"hi" I said. He tapped the empty space on the bed next to him, so I walked over to the bed and sat next to him.

"how long till you leave?" he asked.

"twenty minutes" I sighed. He leaned his face closer to mine and whispered softly in my ear.

"I love you" I was about to say the same back when my mother shouted up the stairs that it was time to go. I pulled myself away from Alex, grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs, I was now ready to go home.

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