Chapter Twenty Seven

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Hello, i hope you like this chapter :D 





Music to the side >>>>>> :) 

Kim :D! 


Chapter Twenty Seven. 

My alarm blasted in my ear dead on six. I stretched out and then got up and headed to the shower, the warm water felt great against my body. I got out of the shower and curled my hair; I stuck on a pair of jeans and my favorite pink t-shirt with my pink pumps. I grabbed my school bag as the doorbell rang and headed downstairs to see Janey waiting at the door.

“Come on, hurry up” she said, I ran into the kitchen and grabbed an apple for my breakfast and went out the door.

“So?” Janey said, I took a big bite of my apple and took ages to eat it; she gave me an evil look.

“What?” I said because I didn’t really want to talk about it.

“You and Cameron, how did it go?” she said excitedly.

“Well, it didn’t really go, I had to leave” I said taking another bite of my apple.

“What! Why?” she said waving her arms in the air. I chewed and chewed then finally swallowed. I hadn’t told my friends about Alex and me so I made up an excuse.

“Umm, my mum wanted me home” I said avoiding eye contact and taking another bite of my apple.

“Stop chewing that apple!” she said knocking the apple out of my hand and onto the floor.

“Oops” she said laughing. It was not funny I was hungry.

“You owe me something to eat in school,” I said.

“Anyway, why?”

“I had to unpack” I lied once again.

The rest of the walk was silent when we got to the school Sam ran up to us and hugged me.

“How was Hollywood for the second time” she said laughing, Janey nudged her, hard.

“Oh I mean, uh, uh” she started to stutter.

“She means uh, uh” then Janey started to do the same.

“Guys it’s fine” I said reassuring them because they looked like a pair of idiots standing there stuttering. They both smiled and linked arms with me before walking into school. While walking to class Cameron passed me and didn’t even acknowledge me. My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was a text from Alex.

Okay, I haven’t found a way for us to be together yet but I figured a way we can connect everyday. My mum and your mum said they don’t mind paying the money for us to text so now you can text me whenever you want wherever you are J xx


A smile spread across my face, even our mums wanted us to be together.

Awesome but does this make us exclusive now? And you know now that you will be hearing everything I do in school and out :Pxx


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