Chapter 2

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Marcel's POV

We, as in me and Harry, pulled up into the school parking lot. Students were scattered about in little pods making morning conversation. I wish that could be me. I climb out of the car as Harry slams his door shut. 

"Hey, I got to go find Niall on the football field. See you later?" Harry stated. I nodded as he took off in the other direction. I scurried into school, hoping not to get seen by my bully. As I walk in the front door, I am knocked down onto the floor, my partially zipped backpack spilling its contents. I guess I spoke to soon.

"Get up." a dark voice bellows. I scramble to my feet in fear. My eyes meet his cold, hard brown ones. Zayn Malik. Zayn has been bullying me since 4th grade. He also is a part of Harry's possy of friends. You might ask, why haven't you told Harry, I mean he is your twin. Well, Zayn always threatens me saying he'll slice my throat with his pocket knife if I make a peep. So I don't. I like my neck, I don't know about you. Next to him is his partner in crime, Liam Payne. His last name is no lie. He too, is best friends with Harry and threatens to bury me alive if I tell. So I still don't.

"If it isn't Mr. Nerdy Pants. I think your shoes untied, or maybe your just that clumsy." Zayn snarled. Liam laughed at his little remark, even though I found it quite insulting. I am not clumsy and he obviously pushed me. I bend down to grab my books, when I feel a leg come under me, causing me to fall on my butt.

"Let me help you get your stuff." Liam mocked. He grabbed all my things and threw them in the trash. Another day fishing in the trash for me.

"That's my stuff!!" I yell.

"Woops, I though it was trash, like you." Zayn called grabbing me by my collar. He takes me to the nearest locker and stuffs me in.

"Stay away from Harry. Your not his twin. Your a mistake." Zayn snaps before kicking me in the stomach and slamming the locker shut. I clench my stomach as hot tears stream down my face. This happens everyday. Liam and Zayn beat me up and I sit here and cry. Why, because I'm a loser and nerd, just like they said. I bang on the locker to get out, but no one comes to my rescue. Finally I hear someone open the locker, a girl. I sprint out and run to history. I enter the classroom ever so slowly. Mr. Miller, my history teacher, gives me a stern look.

"Late again, Mr. Styles. Take a seat." He comments. I rush over to my seat when Harry grabs my arm. We're in the same History class. With the rest of his possy.

"Why were you late? Were you crying?" Harry quizzes, worried. I look over to see Zayn glaring at me, tapping his pocket knife.

" had some locker problems. That's all." I mutter. I tell him that almost everyday. And he still believes it. That's probably why he gets C's and low B's in school.

"You really need a knew locker." Harry replyed laughing a bit. I nod my head slightly and head to my seat in the front of the class. Harry sits in the back with his possy. Typical.I try to pay attention but all I can think about his Zayn and his stupid pocket knife. What if he actually kills me? Would anybody know? Would anybody care? Harry and my mum probably would, but then again I don't know. These are the times I wish I could be Harry. Cool and popular not nerdy and weird.

A/N: If you haven't already noticed, One Direction does not exist in this story and they are all in the same grade. The next chapter will be Harry's pov so yea.... comment and vote because I would love that. Bye c:

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