Chapter 7

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A/N: Important author note at the end!

Harry as Marcel

"Did we...... switch bodies?!?!" Marcel squealed. Yes, squealed,

"Haha, you're real funny. Now c'mon Marcel. I know this just one of your stupid jokes, which I commend you on this one. Must be real thought out." I muttered. Marcel looked at me like I was wearing a pig's head. That's a long story.

"You think did this? Harry this is no joke." Marcel demanded.

"Prove it." I stated.

"For starters, after everything that went down yesterday, do you really think I wanna be you? Let me answer that for you, no. Two, I may be a genuis, but I'm not that much of a genuis. This would have to be a mastermind of a you." Marcel accused.

"What? Do you think I did this? Please, I have better things to be doing with my life than messing with you. And I certainly wouldn't waste a good joke on you." I protested.

"Yea, sure you didn't. I bet you did this to to get back at me for yesterday! Smooth move Harry, real smooth."

"And risk catching the Marcel disease? The disease that drives all living things away leaving you only with dictonary knowledge. I don't think so." I tease.

"Wow, real mature." Marcel argued.

"Thank you. Anyways, how else then did this happen? What a magic star came and switched us?" I yelled. Marcel just remained silent. "You have got to be kidding me." I sighed heading towards the door.

"No, wait! I think this maybe some scientific phenom." Marcel stated.

"Here we go again. I don't wanna hear about your stupid science fac-"

"Just shut up and come with me." Marcel instructs and pulls me into the bathroom. He put his arm underneath the water scrubbing at my tattoos.

"What the heck are you doing? You know you're in my body, right?" I grumble.

"I'm trying to wash off these tattoos."

"They're permant, you idiot." I call.

"First, I'm smarter than you and second, that's my point. This is obviously science. Take off your glasses." Marcel states.

"Why? I-" I began.

"Just take off the dang glasses. No questions needed." Marcel comments. I take off the glasses, my vision becoming blurry. "Is everything blurry?" He questioned.

"Very. How do you see without your glasses?"

"I don't. Now, only genetics, my genetics, have bad vision. This is all science." Marcel calls.

"Okay, so we've established this is science. What now? We go the nearest science institution and become lab rats?" I sarcastically quizzed, rolling my eyes.

"No, we go to school as each other."

"What? Like me go as you and you go as me?" I ask.


"No way. Never in a million years. I have a reputation and I would really like to keep it. You're just going to ruin it. Like most things." I argue.

"Trust me, I don't wanna be you either. I'm the smartest kid in school, and quite frankly, you're the complete opposite. But, we have to until he can fix this." He explained.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" 

"Leave that to me. All you have to do is pretend to be me, and I'll handle the rest. Got it?" Marcel commanded.

"Whatever. But hey, what about mum?"

"What she doesn't know, won't kill her, right?" Marcel, I mean me, I mean Marcel in my body states before skipping off to my room. Well, at least it used to be my room. I head to Marcel/my room and close the door. What am I gonna wear?

A/N: Sorry if the update sucks! The next update is going to be ten times more interesting. So here is why this author note is so important...

I have hit 1000 reads on this story....

O my gosh guys, you don't even know...

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So for the next update..

I need:

1.2k reads

and 50 votes!

Now caln down, I already have 43 votes, so in reality, I only need 7 more votes.

That's not to many...

Anyways, you know the drill!

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Au reviour! (If you know what this means and in what language, comment below. Whoever gets it right first will get a dedicaton from moi!)

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