Chapter 5

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Harry's POV'

I parked my car in the driveway with a smirk on my face. That "Study Date" with Kylie was awesome. I don't know about how much studying we did, but dang she can give a good makeout. (A/N: I know what you were thinking, GET YOUR HEAD OUT THE GUTTER) I walked out of my Range Rover and into the house to see Marcel watching the T.V.

"Hey." I chirped.

"Don't hey me." Marcel spat. What's his problem?

"Woah there, no need to be snappy." I chuckled.

"You think this is funny, don't you?" He responded. He looked angry. I don't even know what I did.

"Think what's funny?"

"Where were you after practice?" He questioned.

"I had a study date with Kylie..."

"Of course you did. Well Harry if you haven't already noticed, you were supposed to drive me home after practice? Does this ring a bell?" Marcel sneered with sarcasm. Oh crap. I was supposed to pick me up. I totally forgot with what coach said and Kylie.

"Oh man, I forgot. I'm so sorr..."

"No I don't want to hear it. I had to walk home. Do you know how far that is? No you wouldn't because you've never had to walk home!!" Marcel shouted.

"Look, it was an accident."

"Yea sure it was. Harry I am so sick and tired of this. You always put everything before me. Girls, sports, friends. I'm your brother. Your twin for pete sake and you're never there for me. But I'm always there for you. I go to all your stupid football practices and help you with your homework. But you? You don't do anything for me. I'm done trying to be this amazing awesome twin for you. Its time you start giving back." Marcel ranted. Dang he let me have it. But I wasn't gonna settle for this.

"Do you know how selfish you sound right now? You just expect me to stop what I'm doing and forget about my life so I can pay attention to yours? Well let me tell you something, Marcel. Life doesn't work that way. I have a life of my own and it doesn't revolve around you. I have friends and a social life that I want to enjoy. So keep your nose your books and stay out of my bussiness." I snapped back.

"Me? Selfish? Please Harry, you wouldn't know what selfish was if it slapped you in the face. You are the defintion of selfish. You only care about yourself. You didn't care if I had to walk home because all you care about is dumb girls with an IQ lowers than yours!! Girls aren't the answer to your problems. Maybe that's why you're so dumb cause you hang out with dumb people!!" He screamed.

"I'm not dumb!! And at least I can get a girl. You know Marcel, life isn't all about being smart. You can be the smartest person in the world, but with not friends or even a social life, your nothing. You'll just be a lonely smart loser like you already are."

"I'm not a loser!! I have friends!!" He protested.

"Like who? Your Chess Club mates? The libraian? Those aren't your friends. If they were, you'd hang out with them. You'd get rides from them." I sneered.

"You know what? I'm so done with this. I'm not gonna fight with someone has dumb as you."

"I may not be book smart but I have sports. Football. I can actually score a goal. You run from the ball like it a bomb and you pass out when you run 1 lap around the track. Your pathetic." I shout back.

"I'm not pathetic. At least people like me."

"Like who? Mum. Yeah, she has to like you. You're a mistake!!" I scream. His eyes go wide.

"YOUR A MISTAKE. I HATE YOU!!." Marcel screechs, tears welling in his eyes.

"Well, I hate you too!!" I yell back, walking to my room and slamming my door shut. I plop on my bed and stare at the ceiling in rage. How dare he say those things to me? Just because his life sucks, doesn't mean he can go around and try to mess up mine. Its already bad enough being related to him. These are the times I hate being Marcel's twin brother. I wish he was a mistake.

Marcel's POV

I slammed my door shut and ran to my bed in tears. I hate Harry. I hate him, I hate him. He makes me so....mad. He's so selfish and such a jerk. I crawled over to my window sill and stared out the window. I examined the night sky naming all the constellations. This always helped me calm my anger.  I'm not a loser. I'm not pathetic. I'm not a mistake. I'm something to be proud of. I at least know I'm going to college while Harry is still wishing on a star. But what if? What if Harry's right? What if I am a mistake? Maybe I am pathetic? Am I lonely loser? I don't even know why I let Harry get to me. He was just saying that because he was mad. But what if he really does think this? Me and Harry are supposed to be twins. We're supposed to love each other and be best friends. Now were enemies. Me and Harry maybe identical twins but besides appearence, we are nothing alike.

A/N: 2 updates in one day!! Woohoo!! This chapter was intense. 65 reads bby!! But I would REALLY love it had more. Also comment and vote, please, please, please!! I beg of you!! Jk c; Anyways, I probably won't update until later this week because I'm very busy. I love you all very much and have an awesome sauce Monday !! :D

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