Chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry for the slow updates, I'm just really busy. Anyways enjoy!


Marcel as Harry

I walked out of Harry's, I mean my bedroom. I didn't really know what to wear so I just stuck to what Harry usually wears, a black t-shirt and black jeans. 

"C'mon Harry, hurry up! We're going to be late!' I called as I banged on mine, I mean his door. Harry stumbled out, looking dishelved and to be honest, a total wreck.

"What the heck..." I began.

"Do you know how to tie a tie? Because I can't do this!" Harry exclaimed.

"First, you need to tuck in your shirt because that's how I wear it. Secondly, c'mere so I can tie it for you." I stated. He quickly tucked in his button down as I fixed his tie. 

"Alright, is this better?" He questioned. I looked him up and down until my eyes landed on his bush of hair.

"Yeah, no. You need to do something about that." I commented, pointing to his hair.

"Oh, god no. Please tell me I don't have to rape my hair in gel?"

"Do you want to look like me or not?" I questioned, hands on my hip.

"First, would never stand like that and secondly, not really. But whatever, just help me out." Harry pulled me into the bathroom. "Okay, do your thing."

"First, you need to squat down." I commanded.


"So I can see the top your head." I giggled as he slumped down.


"Much better." I stated as I lathered on the gel until his hair was perfect.

"Bro, that is a whole lot of gel. My hair is as hard as a rock." Harry critized.

"Well, that's how I like it. Now c'mon, let's go." I called as we walked downstairs. My mum was in the kitchen fixing us food.

"Hey Mar- woah Harry. You got down here early." My mum commented.

"I did? Oh yea, I was just really h-hungry." I responded. I hated lying. It was the worst feeling ever. But you've got to do, what you've got to do.

"So Marcel, how was school yesterday?" My mum questioned. Harry continued to pour his cereal, completely oblivious.

"Marcel, Mum was talking to you." I muttered under my breath as I elbowed him. His head shot up, eyed widened in shock.

"Oh yea, sorry mum. School was good." Harry mumbled.

"How about that History test?" My mum quizzed. Harry glanced at me in a frenzy then back at my mum.

"Uh...I-I got an 100." 

"I knew you would because your so smart." She complimented. Harry smirked, looking over at me.

"I am smart, at least I try to be. Right, Harry?" He called, with a raised eyebrow. I glared at him, shaking my head slightly. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"Yeah, sure." I grumbled.

"How was soccer practice, Harry?"

I gulped, taking a deep breath. Just lie, Marcel. Just lieI thought to myself.

"It was great. I got some of the balls in the net." I stammpered.

"You mean a goal?" My mum questioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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