Chapter 15

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Kise's Pov

I woke up with a start and found myself lying on a stone cold floor. I sat up, desperately looking for Kuroko. I remembered that we had been cornered in the parking lot and then nothing. I heard a small groan and turned to see Kuroko lying on the ground behind me.

"Kurokocchi are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Small blue eyes met mine and I got a weak smile.

"I'm okay Kise, my head is just a little fuzzy, where are we?"

"I'm not entirely sure but the walls and floor are made of solid stone and I can smell traces of cold iron wrought through it, it must have been built to hold vampires."

"Oh right you are my little precious Ryota."

My blood turned to ice when I heard the voice from my nightmares. I turned and saw a smirking Haizaki standing in the doorway flanked by two scions. I jumped to my feet and went to stand in front of Kuroko but I was suddenly dizzy and fell to my knees.

"Kise are you okay?"

I could barely hear or feel the little bluenette shaking me as another wave of dizziness passed over me.

"Ah I see that the new drug is working. I had a little hunter scientist make this for me in exchange for the life of his family. It's a beautiful drug which once administered will render any vampire, be it a fledgling or a pure blood, as powerless as a human."

So that was why I felt so wrong. All the strength was gone from my limbs and I felt sluggish, as if the air I was walking through was honey. All of a sudden a hand was on my throat and I was picked up effortlessly and thrown against the wall. I scrabbled at the hand choking me and stared into the dark eyes of Haizaki.

"It has been so long since I have had you in my arms and now you are back, beautiful as ever but now unable to fight back."

His eyes flashed and the hand on my throat tightened blocking off all my air.

"It excites me so much."

He bit my neck drawing blood and sliding his hand down my back and into my pants to slide a finger inside of me all while keeping a tight grip on my throat, allowing me just gasp in enough air to stay conscious.

"S-stop it you bastard!"

I felt a light jar and suddenly I was free. I sunk to the ground gulping in giant gasps of air and looked up to see a blue blur slam into the opposite wall.


Haizaki bent down to grab Kuroko's arm and lifted him up as if he weighed no more than a doll. Blood was running down a gash on the side of his and dripped to the floor as his blue eyes were unfocused. I watched in disgust as Haizaki licked the blood off the side of the little blue boy heads and hummed in pleasure.

"You are just as delicious as I dreamed. You will have to wait though my dear Eve as I must show my little pet what happens when it tries to run from me."

Before I could even blink I was face down on the ground. One hand keeping my head crushed into the ground Haizaki used his other one to pull my pants down. I closed my eyes so the tears wouldn't come out, I would not give that bastard the pleasure of seeing me break.

Forgive me Aomine, I guess we couldn't escape him after all.

A warm feeling surrounded me and I couldn't feel Haizaki's hands on me anymore. I sat up to see him slumped against the door and surrounding me was a blue bubble. I reached out to touch it and it felt warm. I looked down and saw that my wounds were also healing.

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