Chapter 18

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Kise's Pov

I pushed myself up off the ground, arms trembling but they held me up. That damned Haizaki, he had let out a gas into the room that robbed Kurokocchi and me of our strength before he had come in and dragged him out with a wink at me. Why was I so powerless? I hadn't been able to stop the horrors happening to him and now he was going to be bonded to that monster? No way was I going to let that happen. I saw the shield around me flicker and fade away and my heart stopped. What did that mean? Was Kurokocchi okay? I had to get out and help him.

I got to my feet, the drug now having left my system and I moved quickly and silently to the door. There were no sounds and I had to guess that the guards had moved on. I reached out a taloned hand and pushed against the door. There were veins of cold iron through the steel door and I knew that it would hinder my power but I had been drinking Kurokocchi's blood and I felt stronger. With a grunt I pushed harder and the door groaned and buckled. Another heave and the hinges gave way sending the door crashing down to the floor, with me following it. I rolled off the door, breathing deeply as I felt the iron sucking my strength. An alarmed cry echoed through the hall and I looked up to see two vampires running towards me carrying syringes which had to hold the anti-vampire syrum. I moved instantly, getting to my feet and slamming a fist into the closest ones face. He crashed back into the wall without a sound, dead before he hit the ground. The fledgling looked at his companions' body and turned to flee but I was faster than him and grabbed him by his throat and slamming him hard against the wall.

"Where is Haizaki and the eve?"

I saw his eyes flicker as he saw something behind me and I turned my head to see another vampire firing a dart gun at me. I couldn't move away in time.

What a pointless rescue attempt this turned out to be.

Abruptly I was knocked to the side and if felt the dart just brush by my hair before burying into the chest of the vampire I had been holding. I fell to the ground with a weight on my chest. I looked up ready to fight back but I met a pair of dark eyes and I found myself crushed into a tight hug.


I hugged him back with all my strength, his head buried into me neck and I felt sobs forcing themselves out of my chest.

"You found me! Midorimicchi got my message."

He pulled me to me feet and I saw the rest of the clan as well as the hunters in the hall in front of us. Kagamicchi stood over the vampire who had tried to shoot me, blood on his sword and then I saw Akashi. He was standing by the cell that had been my home for over a week. He looked over at me and I was shocked to see how much rage burned in his eyes.

"Where is Tetsuya?"

I snapped back to reality and pulled out of Aominicchi's arms but still held onto his hand.

"We have to move quickly, Haizaki is planning on forcing Kurokocchi through the bonding ceremony."

Akashi's Pov

I raced down the halls with my clan behind me, Ryota and Daiki next to me. We had left the hunters to bring up the rear, they were fast normally but I was moving faster then I even thought I could. I was following Tetsuya's scent through the old castle and it was getting stronger but the closer I got the more his scent was tainted with fear. I could almost taste it, he was that frightened. With a simply flick of my wrist I sent the head of an unaware fledgling flying as we raced past. At last we emerged through a set of door and I saw my love behind held by one of the filthy bastards I had seen rape him on the video. I then saw Haizaki move to pour a goblet filled with blood into Tetsuya's mouth. I moved instantly, grabbing a pebble off the floor and throwing it at the cup. It hit true and sent the goblet flying, spilling the blood harmlessly on the ground.

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