Chapter 32

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Kuroko's Pov

I woke with a jolt as I was pulled out of bed and to my feet. I didn't struggle and blinked the sleep out of my eyes as I was led out the door. It was here I stopped, pulling against the hold on my arm.


The man holding my clicked his tongue in annoyance and let me go. I turned back into the room, swaying on my feet as I trudged back to the bed to kiss my daughter on the head. She opened her eyes, staring at me with one silver and one blue eye and cooed. I smiled back down at her and stroked her cheek as she closed her eyes and fell back asleep. The cultist grabbed my arm again and I followed him as we walked out of the room and down the hall to the blood room. Again I was hooked up to blood bags and left alone. As they were walking away I heard the two cultists talking.

"Why are we keeping that brat healthy and untouched? She should be getting tested to see if she has what it takes to be a warrior and if not we should just dispose of it."

My body went cold as I heard his heartless remark and strained my ears to hear the rest of it.

"It's all to keep the Eve in check, keep its child safe and it will do anything Hanimya wants from it, lose the child and we lose all leverage. Hell it could take its life and where would that leave us?"

Their voices faded as they got further away and I sat back with a sigh. I had to get Hina away from here, if it was found out that she possessed either the hunter, vampire or Eve powers nothing would keep her safe. I creased my eye brows and stared at a cup on the bench in front of me.


A faint blue bubble surrounded the cup but then faded away after a few seconds. With a sigh I tried again and this time the shield stayed up for a few minutes.

"Almost time."

I jerked myself awake and looked up at the clock on the wall, cursing my weakness. It was already five in the afternoon. Standing up I pulled the needles out of my arms and crept towards the door. My head was woozy from lack of blood but I couldn't sense any of the drug in my system. Calling up my powers I walked out and headed towards my room. A group of cultists walked past but they didn't notice me, my powers were well and truly back. I slipped quietly into the room and saw that no one was inside. I darted to the crib and sighed with relief when I saw Hina fast asleep inside. I had been worried that they might had moved her while I was having my blood taken. I scooped her up into my arms and she simply snuggled against me, not making a sound of protest. I turned towards the door and walked out, holding my breath and praying that Hina would stay asleep. If she cried now, my misdirection would lose all usefulness. I made it down the stairs and headed for the doorway where I could see sunlight filtering in. I had just made it outside and was blinking against the bright setting sun when a loud thump followed by roaring flames sent me to my knees. I looked up in shock to see a giant fence surrounding the compound go up in flames and cultists screaming. Hina woke up then and joined her small voice to the noise.

"What the hell? We are under attack! Get the Eve it's trying to escape!"

I heard footsteps heading towards me so I got to my feet and ran as fast as I could. I ran along the buildings walls, ignoring the sounds of screaming and fighting behind me. At last I found a small tree and it was there I placed my jacket on the ground between its roots and then gently laid Hina down. Hands grabbed me and yanked me around. I stared into the enraged grey eyes of Hanimya.

"Your child will suffer because of this. Grab it!"

I smiled at him, "I doubt it."

The cultist who had moved to grab my daughter staggered back with a curse, clutching his hand to his chest. Hanimya's eyes darted towards the baby on the ground and saw her surrounded by my blue shield. His grip moved from my arm to my throat and he squeezed gently, eyes void of emotion.

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