Chapter 10

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Everyone was nervous. Waiting to speak until Charlie woke up.

"So you mean to tell me no one remembers anything from the enchanted forest?" Emma asked.

"Well obviously Charlie does, she must know something we don't or else why else wouldn't she have been here when we came back?" David said.

A small groan of pain was heard from the couch. Everyone looked over and saw Charlie begin to stir. She sat up slowly, and stretched out her arms.

"Oh...uh, I'm sorry I just um..." Charlie mumbled trying to think of a good excuse. She wasn't sure if her parents remembered her or not.

"Charlie..." Snow mumbled. Charlie looked over towards her mother and blinked a bit, taking in her pregnant figure, and getting up. Stumbling as she went over and hugged her mother tightly.

"We're glad your ok" David mumbled walking over and hugging Charlie as well.

"I'm so sorry....I didn't mean it....can you forgive me?...." Charlie cried into her Fathers chest as she turned to hug him.

"Forgive you for what?" David asked holding her tightly.

"Oh...right I'm sorry...I forgot you guys don't know about what happened" Charlie sniffled pulling away from the hug and wiping at her eyes.

" know what happened....can you tell us please?" Snow begged looking up at her daughter.

Charlie opened and closed her mouth several times, nervous knowing what would come if she spoke.

"I'm afraid I can't...I'm sorry, but please try to understand. If I could tell you I would, but I can't" Charlie said tears in her eyes.

"Glad to see your awake Princess" Hook said, with his arms crossed leaning against the counter top of the kitchen.

"Killian" Charlie mumbled stumbling over to him and engulfing him in a hug. He hugged her back as best as he could.

"I haven't forgotten our little exchange Captain..." She whispered into his ear. She knew it wasn't appropriate, but she had to tell him she knew and that she remembered.

"Not a good time Love" He whispered back into her ear as they both pulled away from the little bit too long hug.

"Hey, over here" Peter said opening up his arms waiting for a hug.

"Right, how could I forget" Charlie mumbled and hesitantly walked over to him, giving him an awkward hug.

"Don't think I haven't forgotten what you did to me. Lay another finger on me and I swear it'll be the last thing you do" She hissed in his ear darkly before pulling away from the hug and going back to the cough, taking a seat next to Emma.

"Glad to see you're alright" Emma told her before getting back into the conversation.


  Charlie's POV

I sat quietly on a chair near the kitchen counter the next morning as everyone spoke around the island. Regina was there and everyone was worrying about the Wicked Witch.

I tuned out for most of the conversation until I heard the word Neal.

"Bae? Is he here? Is he alright?" I ask jumping into the conversation.

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