Chapter 9

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Hook, and Peter watched Charlie for any signs of life. She just collapsed in the middle of the busy street, and they were starting to draw attention. They each couldn't help but sigh a little in relief as she began to stir.

"Are you alright Love?" Hook asked helping her to sit up. She began to cough and her body began shaking.

"Need. To go. Home" She coughed again in a weak voice, a voice of one who was dying.

"Right, but...we need to get to your sister first" Hook said gently as she nodded and leaned against Peter, shivering, and turning deathly pale.

"I don't understand, whats wrong with her?" Peter asked holding Charlie.

"It's her heart...she's been in the real world too long. She's made of magic, and to be in a world without magic for so long, it's killing her" Hook explained standing upright. Peter picked up Charlie bridal style carrying her over to the park bench.

"But we've been out in the real world for 6 months, why now?" Peter asked confused.

"She didn't have her memories then mate. Now that she does, and now that she knows...well lets just hope we can get Emma to leave, and fast" Hook said looking down at Charlie's fragile figure as he looked down at her.

"It'll take to long...You need to get her back to Storybrooke, I'll convince Emma to get back home with Henry" Hook says at Pan with an angry sigh.

"No...I'm not leaving you" Charlie said with a weak croak of her voice and reaches out for Hook's hand.

Hook sat on the bench and took Charlie's hand in his and squeezed it lightly.

"You know I could never forgive myself if something happened to you...if we don't get you back over that line you'll die" He whispered to her.

"No....I can't go. Emma and Henry....Need me" She coughs her eyes getting heavy.

"No, your family needs you. You need to go home and make sure they're safe" Hook whispered.

"No, I refuse to leave unless Emma and Henry are going with us" She said trying to sit up.

"You need to go home, with Pan ok?" He says squeezing her hand again.

"No" She told him and crossed her arms.

"Damn it. Charlie don't be so stubborn! When I say if you don't go you're going to die I mean it. I'm not sugar coating anything, one more day in this world...and you won't have a world to wake up to" Hook snapped at her.

"You need to listen to him Charlie" Peter told her standing next to the park bench.

"Neither of you. Gets to decide. That. I won't leave until Emma does...I can hold out until then" She coughed out. Hook sighed but nodded in agreement.

"I learned she's going to dinner with some man tonight" Hook says.

"Go. Talk to her." She cough out, and waved her hand over Killian's hook.

"So no one gets suspicious" She told him with a small smile.

"Listen Balefire's apartment isn't far from here, Pan, take her there and I'll come for you with Emma and Henry as soon as I can" Killian instructs.

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