Chapter 21

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The forest, alone, away from society. That's where I belong. As I wandered my mind would continue to drift, from one world to another. 

I watched in utter fascination as my flowing purple princess dress returned. My hair and skin looking healthy and new, unknown to the sun. 

I continued walking, giggling as the flowers began to sing at me, the forest feeling full and alive with magic. My bare feet seemed almost numb as I walked over the earth. I felt cold, unable to fully feel my fingers or lips. But I didn't care. I knew I was freezing, my toes becoming stiff, but I no longer cared. My only wish was to be engulfed by the forest completely. To never have to look back. 

As I walked the breeze became stronger and the trees were becoming fewer and fewer in number. 

Turn back Charlie, you have no business being here

"But Bae, I want to play! The forest is calling me! I need to be here" I whined stopping in my tracks and crossing my arms over my chest. 

Look at yourself! No shoes and you're barely clothed! I doubt you even have your magic

He continued to hiss in my mind. I tried my best to tune his out, to suppress his voice that haunted the walls of my mind. I continued walking and started singing, finding it was easier to tune out his voice when there was a song on my lips. 

That's when I encountered a bridge. It was beautiful and elegant, and completely made of ice. I slowly took a step, gasping as my feet brushed against the freezing ice. 

Charlie turn back! 

"You can't stop me" I whispered as my hand reached for the rail, taking a step forward and squealing as the cold came in contact with my feet. My breathing escalated as I slowly began to walk forward. I couldn't help but giggle at how silly this was. 

Me, crossing an ice bridge! Oh what a terribly wonderful adventure! What would Mother think once I told her this story? 


He scolded me, as my thoughts drifted to my family, my giggles turning into whimpers as the previous nights events crossed my mind. No one wanted me here, it would be better for everyone if I just...disappeared. 

I was in the middle of the bridge by now, a cool breeze licking at my cheeks and brushing back my hair. The morning sunrise was visible over the rest of the trees. Everything was so calm and peaceful, compared to the tempest inside my head. 

I know what you're thinking....Don't

And again, the peace was ruined. That intrusive little rat! Exploring my thoughts, sorting through my brain and memories. 

"Stop that!" I screamed, tempted to slap myself, wondering if that would cause him any pain

It wouldn't

I groan in frustration and continue my journey. Once I finish crossing the bridge, my feet firmly planted on the grassy earth, it shatters and breaks. The ice turning into mist as the bridge just seems to vanish. Strange

Yes, very strange indeed

I let that comment slide and continued forward, following the cool magic wafting through the air. Relishing in the slight pain it inflicted on me. The magic being cool, icy and dark. But not as dark as it could be. 

It got colder the farther into the woods I went, the trees starting to come to life as the sun rose. It did nothing to chase away the cold that was twisting its way up my feet and legs. 

"I was hoping you'd be here" A soft voice whispered to me. 

"Bae what are you talking about, I'm always here?" I ask feeling very confused. 

That wasn't me...

At this sudden realization I froze, hearing a faint giggle coming from behind me.

"It's alright Dear, no need to be afraid" The voice cooed, causing goosebumps to appear on my arms and yet, calmed my racing heart. I jumped and squealed as I felt a cold hand rest on my shoulder. But I didn't haven enough sense to move, or breathe. 

I slowly turned my head and looked at my captor. She had blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin. She was dressed in white, beautiful, she looked like a Queen.

"H...hello" I mumbled quietly.

"Hello child, I'm glad to see you. I want you to stay with me" She smiled, getting right to the point. 

"In the woods? That's not very safe" I laughed, thinking about all the animals and evil creatures lurking around the corners. 

"With me it will be, I'll be the older sister you've always wanted, the one you've needed" She tempts me with a soft smile. 

Don't go. She's lying to you

"Oh Bae, don't be such a wuss!" I snapped, causing the Queen to give me a pitiful look. I looked around, seeing Elsa chained in ice to the ground. 

"Are you going to hurt her?" I ask, like a frightened child. 

"Of course not, I'm going to help her" She explains, placing an icy cold hand on my cheek. 

"Just like I'm going to help you" She whispers with a smile. I give her a curious look and gasp, feeling the ice twist it's way into my mind, I tried to hold onto what precious memories I had, but she took them, and replaced them, making them dark and twisted, until I had nothing real left. 

"Now child, isn't that better?" 

"Yes sister, it is" I smiled

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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