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[no warnings this chapter.]
[thank you for the love and support and sorry for not updating <3]



I tapped my fingers on my thigh as Mr. Mun wrote an equation on the board, shifting in my seat.

I looked at the clock.

it had been an hour since I lost my virginity,
and man,
was I sore.

"Psst..! Soo!" I heard a voice hissed, causing me to look toward the source of the voice.

Kim Jongin.

I lightly smiled at him before biting my lower lip, feeling a flutter in my stomach as he blew me a kiss and winked.

I felt like a whore.

"Jongin, what's the answer to the question on the board?" Mr. Mun boomed, glaring at Jongin.

4y + 6 < 2y + 12
y < 3. that's the answer.

Jongin struggled to even let out a single word.

"y-y is less than 3.." I whispered to him, causing Mr. Mun to grow angry.

"Do Kyungsoo, do you have something you'd like to say to the class?" a few girls giggled as I deeply blushed.

".. y-y is less than 3..." I repeated, speaking quietly yet loud enough for everyone to hear. Mr. Mun nodded before continuing with the lesson plan, causing me to sigh in relief.


"Alright class, take out your history books and flip to page 183. Take notes about the events you read about, then share with a partner. You have 40 minutes to work on this assignment, if you don't finish, it's homework. This is due tomorrow, no exceptions," Mrs. Lee hissed, taking a seat at her desk.

Jongin strolled into the room, his hands in his pockets. He flashed a smile at me as he walked to his desk, sitting down and putting his feet on his desk as he looked at me with a grin. I reached under my desk and pulled out the large textbook, placing it on my desk and flipping to page 183 as Jongin leaned over and mumbled in my ear.

"What's the assignment, baby?" He purred, smiling in a playful manner.

"I-I'm not your baby.." I mumbled shyly, turning my head away as I gripped the textbook.

"You were earlier, cutie.."

I could sense his grin in his tone.

"R-Read page 183 a-and take notes.." I spoke quieter, causing Jongin to put his feet down and lean in closer.

"What was that, princess?"

He was so close to my face, I could smell his sweet breath.

"Read page 183.. a-and take n-notes.." I repeated my words, hesitantly peeking at him.

"Thank you, dear," Jongin smiled, pecking the corner of my lips when the teacher wasn't looking. I blushed softly and began to read the textbook, the room completely silent except for the sound of Jongin flipping through his textbook. I occasionally glanced over at him, admiring his beautiful facial structure for only seconds at a time.

Jongin looked over at me, speaking barely above a whisper.

"You like what you see, babe?"

I nodded and bit my lower lip, looking away again as I smiled to myself.

Why was I like this?

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