When I finally got home, I ran up to my room and laid on my bed, opening up wattpad and reading for about an hour. What? I appretiate creative writing... Anyways, after an hour I got a text from a random number.
'Hey Tyler, it's Josh.'
Fuck. My eyes widened, I could not believe this was happening.
'Hi Josh wyd'
'nothing I'm bored text me stuff'
'My dog won't shut up'
'what's your dogs name'
'I'm more of a cat person'
I debated on making a pussy joke, but decided not to.
'Do you have cats?'
'what are you wearing?'
My giggling stopped abruptly.
'Tank top and boxers'
'what are you wearing?'
I flushed red at the thought of that. My god we barely just met, he moves quick. I mean, I know I'm just another boy to him, nothing more, but I wanted to think I meant something to him.
This conversation went on for almost an hour, just asking dumb questions and Josh not-so-subtly flirting with me, making me squeal like a fangirl. Until he asked me a question that made my heart stop.
'are you single?'
'Josh didn't we literally just meet today'
'Can you answer the question first'
'yes, I am'
'Well, I've been watching you for a while'
'NOT LIKE THAT ugh it's hard to explain, I like you a lot though'
My heart was doing backflips and I was smiling like an idiot.
'thanks I guess?'
'will you go out with me?'
I wanted to scream, although this sounded like 6th grade conversation, I quickly texted Melanie.
I then got another text from Josh.
'Wanna come over my house? I have disney movies'
'where do you live?'
This was happening so fast, and I wanted to believe he didn't just want me for sex, it seemed that was all he ever cared about. That and Ashley, but maybe I could mean something more... maybe. I threw on some black skinny jeans and quickly hoped into my car, telling my mom I was going over a friend's house, and drove to his apartment. Lucky bastard, I don't have enough money for an apartment, but when I get enough, I'm moving out. Anyways, I pulled up into the parking lot and walked inside and upstairs until I found room 93.
I let out a shaky breath, I've never been this nervous in my entire life, and that's saying something. I finally knocked on the door and waited while hearing footsteps, until the door swung open and I wanted to scream. He wasn't wearing a shirt, all he was wearing was big baggy pajama pants hanging loosely around his waist, and I didn't see boxers... He looked tired and his pink hair was all messy and frizzy. And I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the most adorable thing I had ever seen. I blushed slightly which I don't think he saw under the dim lighting. It's was 5:12 now.
"Hey Ty."
I nearly choked on my words at the nickname.
"Hi, Josh."
"Come in."
He stepped aside to let me inside of his apartment. God help me.

It's Complicated
RandomJosh was done with love, he had his fair share of broken hearts. He was done with being broken. The belief that there is someone out there that is perfect for you, he thought, is absolutely ridiculous. So he's simply resorted to "dating" boys bec...