He's looking at me
hEs lOokiNG aT mE
he looked away
damn it
Why don't I just say hi? That's dumb. Why would he be into me anyways? I'm sure he's had plenty of other boyfriends, I bet he's not even single. He doesn't even know me. He doesn't even know I'm about as straight as a slinky. No one knows that... well, Melanie does, but I tell her everything. She's my best friend, and one of my
only friends.In fact, here she comes to sit with me at lunch. She doesn't have many other friends either, I feel bad for her, she gets bullied because of her teeth. People think she's weird, I don't.
"Hey Tyler!"
"Hi Melanie."
I smiled at her and which returned with with a gap-toothed grin. I always thought her teeth looked cute. If I liked girls I'd probably like her.
"Josh looked at me today."
Melanie snorted.
"Wow Josh moves quick, next thing you know you two'll be in bed together."
"Oh ha ha, and I'm sure you know all about that, huh?"
She chuckled.
"Oh shut up."
We talked about stupid teachers and crushes for a while, until the bell rang. All the students scattered as we walked upstairs. I reached my locker which was close enough to Josh that I could talk to him... nah. I'd fuck up. I always wanted to, but he either walks away before I get the chance, or I back out at the last second.
I sat through three more boring periods until the day was over. I decided to stay for clinic though, I always stay on clinic days, so does Melanie. We just sit in the library and talk or just fuck around in there.
I walked to the library and found Melanie sitting at our usual round table, scrolling through her phone. I walked over and sat down next to her, she had ear buds in so she didn't even notice me. I took out my phone and texted her.
look up
She looked to me and nearly fell off her chair. We immediately erupted in a fit of giggles, to which the librarian gave us a loud shush. After we stopped, we began talking again.
"Well here's an idea, why don't you talk to him."
"It's not that easy and you know it."
"What if he likes you?"
"What if he doesn't."
"But what if he does."
This happens all the time, I get Melanie is trying to help but-
Why is Josh here

It's Complicated
RandomJosh was done with love, he had his fair share of broken hearts. He was done with being broken. The belief that there is someone out there that is perfect for you, he thought, is absolutely ridiculous. So he's simply resorted to "dating" boys bec...