We were walking back home so we could play video games and watch awesome videos, you know, normal teenager stuff. First, we walked to a game store to check out some games that could be coming out and maybe buy a game. That's only if we had enough money. Steve is a kind gentleman when in school. But at home, he's like a whole different person. When we play video games he goes mad crazy. I mean he will stay up the whole weekend playing those games, shutting everyone out when he's really focused. That's unless he plays with us, then he's more competitive and will trash talk you down to beat you.
Jon on the other paw, he doesn't really care if he wins or lose. Heck he'd sometimes do extreme things in the game just for the fun if it. We walked to the games that are coming soon and saw the most amazing game we have been waiting for! Well.. Me and Steve, but it was called The Translizer. It's about a girl that gets caught in some kind of net that was uncutable. She then gets dragged underwater, unable to breathe, blacking out. When she woke up, she realizes she's in some drafted very dirty area. She has to fight monsters and a lot of creepy weird looking creatures along the journey of finding her way back home. It looks so awesome and has the world's best graphics. It looks like we are controlling people from a movie!! "I can't wait for this game to come out!!" Steve said. I reply, "It comes out in two more weeks!!! I wish I could play it now!!!!" Steve looks around, checking if there are any sales on a game or a game magazine, "Uhh Jay. Where's Jon?" I took a look around, "Uh oh this is not good! WE LOST JON!!"
Steve and I quickly ran out the game store, looking all around, having no sight of him anywhere. Steve says, "Who knows what kind of stunts he could be trying right now!" After hearing steve say that, my eyes widened, imagining that he could try jumping from one building to another and possibly miss, falling his way to death! Maybe they aren't so high.. What am I thinking? Of course it's high! Maybe on a sky scraper! Steve snapped his fingers in front of my face, "Hey! hey Jay! We don't have time for space adventures! We have to find Jon!" I shook my head, Snapping out of it, "Right lets go."
We ran around the building to check if he's still here. I began sniffing around to find his scent. "I have no scent or sign of him anywhere" I said. Steve replied, "Wait I think I can hear him around!" He closed his eyes as his right ear gave a little twitch. "That way." He pointed behind me. "Alright!" We both started off the direction, looking around everywhere.

AdventureA 17 year old Coyote named Jay gets stranded in a weird abandoned area that is dark, trashy and dead. He finds a boy named Tod who seems familiar with the area. His best friends Steve, a rabbit with small ears, and Jon, an insane stuntful ferret, tr...