Jon ran to the previous room we came from and turned right, running to a corner. As we followed him, weeeee had a bit of trouble. I stub my toe while tripping over a chair as Steve trips and land on top of me, bringing me more pain. But as we caught up there was an open hatch at the corner. We went down the stairs and looked around finding Jon over a small square-shaped hole on the ground as he holds up the sphere. We walk torwards him while Steve asks, "Umm Jon What is that?" He froze and turned his head to us with a weird smile on his face. He starts speaking in a demonic lowered voice, "Don't worry Stevenson," his voice starts to get more and more demonic, "This will fix all our problem! Hehehehahahahahahah!" We looked at him a little frightened as he puts the sphere in the hole. As he continued his demonic laughter, we looked at each other and back and Jon. "Ok. So I think that's our cue to go. Steve you grab his legs." We ran to him, I grabbed both of his arms and Steve grabs his legs. Jon, still laughing demonically, didn't attempt to stop us or do anything really. We started walking to the stairs where the hatch is, "I thought we left that open" Steve says as we are walking up the stairs. I open the hatch and push it open, bringing us back up to the room. Jon somehow slips right out of our paws like butter and starts running to another door we haven't went through yet. "Welp that escalated quickly." I said as he opens the door, finding stairs going up another floor. I let out a growl, chasing after him. Once we've reached the floor I saw Jon's Silhouette in the room next to this one, seeing the missing side of the house but glowing light purple. I couldn't see clearly by the brightness of the the light. Steve yells, "Jon?! What are you doing!?" It looks like he looks back at us, then took a step close to the edge of the house. We quickly get up there and stood a small distance away to keep him from jumping saying, "Whoa whoa whoa whoa Jon no no no no." He stood there not saying a word, "Jon whatever you do, don't move forward." He took another step closer to the edge, nearly there to falling with his toes hanging from the edge. "I said don't move forward!" Steve says, "Jon please just come this way. Whatever is out there, don't go to it. Please just come to us." Jon gives a "heh" and jumps. I scream, "NOOO!!" Steve quickly ran to him grabbing his arm with two paws, "JAY COME ON!!" I reply, "YES!!" I quickly headed to him and grabbedbhis other arm, seeing a giant purple glowing hole in the back yard. "Whoa! Glad he didn't fall in!" We pull him up and sat him down as he didn't show any sign of movement. He never blinked, but he was breathing and not moving anything else. I sat on one side of him holding his arm panting as Steve sat on the other. I took a look down at the hole squinting my eyes, "Is that what the little orb did?" Steve takes a look down and replies, "I think so." "What do you think it is?" I said. "Maybe it's like a portal or its treasure!" Steve replied. My eye caught something exiting the hole. I looked a bit closer noticing it's a black tentacle, "HOLY CRAP!" I yelled as I got up fast and pulled Jon in the house hoping it's not able to get us. We quickly ran into the room dragging Jon with us and Steve quickly closed the door. Steve says in fear screaming, "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY JUMBLE BEAN JELLY!!!" I respond calmly, "Dude cool down! We have to just get out of here before that thing finds us so let's go!" I start to lead ahead, holding his arms as Steve held his legs. I kept looking around for the exit while feeling scared to death! We go down the stairs slowly scanning around on that floor at the door. "It's clear." I said quietly as we make our way through. I turn left away from the back yard and kept moving that way. Jon suddenly screams gibberish in a demonic voice. "Oh crap!" Steve says. I said, "Come on let's move!" We started running, getting to the next Room and kept going. We heard a burst through the ground as Steve screams high pitched, "OH NO OH NO IT'S AFTER MEEE!!!"
We get closer to the exit as I take a look behind me, seeing the tentacle very close to grabbing Steve. My eyes widened saying, "HOLY SON OF A BACON ON POTATOES" I looked forward and reached out for the exit door. Steve screams again as I quickly opened it up and ran out there as he quickly closes it. We stopped for a second panting hard. Jon finally stopped screaming gibberish. "We.... Made it.... Out..." I said. Steve replies, "Yeah.... Let's.... Get out of here....." I nod and starts walking away from the house, holding Jon. He follows me, holding his legs still. We heard a loud "BOOM" behind us looking back noticing part of the roof is falling right above us. I quickly ran out the way as Jon slips out of Steve's paws. Steve stood there frozen from fear as I yelled, "STEVE GET OUT THE WAY!!!" He still stood there not moving a single muscle. "STEVE SNAP OUT OF IT!! IT'S NOT TIME FOR FROZEN FEAR GAMES!!! MOVE!!" It's getting closer and will smash on top of him in about two more seconds. "STEVE MOVE NOW!" He finally snaps out of it and jumps out the way as fast as he can to us. The roof part smashes into the ground as part of it fly all around, hitting us in the face and body. We heard sirens around and voices gathering around us. We turned around noticing police cars and crowds of people and neighbors of that house. We see people with their phones out recording the house. "OH MY GOD!! LOOK AT THAT!!!" a woman yelled. I looked at the building noticing there are four tentacle that came out the building. A police officer came to us, "Hey get away from here it ain't safe!" One black tentacle smacks onto the ground right next to us as the crowd moved back from the house still recording everything. Steve says, "LETS GO NOW!" Jon sits up and looks at the tentacle and says in his normal tone, "It wants us." We all looked at him, "What? You mean that beast?" I said. He replies, "Yes. It wants you. It wants Steve. It wants me." The tentacle wraps around Jon and lifts him up as police officers are shooting at it. "JON!!" We yelled at the same time. After we yelled that it grabbed Steve by his legs and grabs me by my waist. It lifts us up as a bunch of screaming is happening below. Lighting goes across the sky as loud thunder was heard, frightening us and the crowd. It pours down heavy rain as we hear lots shooting. I saw more and more police cars coming as the other two tentacles wipes out the police with one swoop across the ground. The crowd started running away in terror, others were injured and lying there on the ground. "OH MY GOD!" I yelled. It started to bring us to the back yard, down to the purple glowing hole. Jets suddenly strikes at the tentacles near the hole, hitting mine as it lets go of me. I'm falling to my doom into the hole screaming my guts out.

AdventureA 17 year old Coyote named Jay gets stranded in a weird abandoned area that is dark, trashy and dead. He finds a boy named Tod who seems familiar with the area. His best friends Steve, a rabbit with small ears, and Jon, an insane stuntful ferret, tr...