New start

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I've been sitting here for sooooo long, bored out of my mind! When are they coming out? The cou is trying to give up on me but I'm keeping it together kinda by siting on the arm of it. I glance at the door they all went through. I have a stronger urge to eavesdrop to see what's going on. So ya know what I did? That's right! I walked in circles still waiting. What were you thinking? Ok ok so I did trip and hit my funny bone, but I have to say it's not funny at all. THEN that's when I got to the door and eavesdrop. I put my ear on the door listening closely. But unfortunately, I heard nothing. I stood up and walked to the cou angrily and started punching it. I sat back down on it and calmed myself down. Once I did that I heard the door knob as my ears shoot up and I look back at the door. The door opened slowly with a loud squeaking sound. I stood up and faced the door feeling cold air from the room, "Vuvuvu Wow do they really like it that cold?" All the lights went out. I stood in blank silence for a couple of seconds, "guys?" I started to see light up ahead, heading towards me. The closer the light came, the more clearer I could see what it was. Someone wearing a black mask with a black vest came to me and said in a disguised voice, "Come with me" I looked at it a bit scared inside but I replied, "Ok" It started leading the way as I followed to the cold room. I looked around to however far the light could go, having my arms crossed trying to keep warm, seeing a dining table to the right and little family photos of their individual families and a picture of all of them together and a few I haven't seen here. We moved on ahead, entering another room, hearing a lot of muffled sounds, "What is that noise?" "Don't worry about it" the person retorted. I started hearing more muffled sounds everywhere, freaking out inside. The sounds were getting louder as we enter another room and around was all of them tied up struggling to get out of the ropes with tape wrapped around their muzzles and Ray's beak. They all looked at me with a help me look and a few looked like they were crying before. The person yelled, "SHUT UP!!" hitting the wall. The room grew silent as they all had angry eyes at the person. The person looked at me and said, "So that was very close." I had a confused look, "What?" It responds, "They were planning a way to killing you." My eye widen, "What!? But they seemed so nice." It replies, "I know, I thought the same thing until they almost hit me in the head with an axe." I looked down at them as it continues, "When they tried that, I quickly dodged and ran away. I was lucky to get away with just a scar on my arm from an arrow almost impaling it." I looks back at it, "So I'm asking you to come with me so you can be safe from these savages." I looked at it, then back at the guys. It's very hard to decide who to choose! "No" I said. It said, "What?" "I said no" I replied. It started talking a but in an angered tone, "But they could kill you! Don't you think it'll be a good idea to stay AWAY from them?!" I said, "I don't believe what you are telling me." It says, "Heh you fool! I'll just get rid of all of you." It takes out a knife, "Starting with you." It charges at me going to a shank as I quickly move out the way. I ran to the lantern and grabbed the handle and looked at him. Once I looked he was coming in to strike me on the head but I got up and went to the other room. I ran in the next room after that and then quickly set the lantern down bully the cou and quickly ran to a corner in the room. I was panting as quietly as I could. After waiting a few seconds I saw a silhouette rushed in the room looking around. I shifted a little from the corner and felt something. I touched around it and it was the axe I saw before. I grabbed axe and slowly walked to it. I took one wrong step and it made a creaking noise. It looked my direction and saw me. I lost all fear and ran toward him around the cou with the axe. "AHHHHH!!" I yelled going for a strike. I lifted it over my head and struck down, it quickly dodges by jumping to the side. The axe was stuck for a second but I pulled out some how and faced it as he quickly got up. I swung it horizontally as it moved its chest and stomach back to dodge and then vertically swung as it dodges right. I swung horizontally higher as it ducks under. It's back was on the wall as I lifted my axe over my head and going to strike. "STOP!" It said. I stopped almost falling backwards but kepth my balance and held onto the axe. It continues, "Congratulations" I felt very confused, "What?" It says, "You are truth worthy and loyal to the group. You stood up for them and fought to save them. You are a mighty warrior and a best friend." I was still a bit confused but smiled. It stood straight and walked to the lantern as I watched it. It looked at me, "Well are you coming?" "Oh right. Heh" I said as I followed him to the room with the table. It turned off the lantern. "Hey where did you go?" All the lights turned on, "CONGRATULATION AND THANK YOU!!!!" Yelled everyone in the room, holding a cake that says "Thank You Jay!" on it with streamers hung everywhere in the room. They set the cake down as Lance says, "You are brave and shown that we can trust you on our travels." I am smiling big and wagging my tail wildly but then I thought, "Who was the person I was fighting?" Alyssa replies, "Oh you mean Jolko." The person with the black vest and black mask comes out of the third room and pulls off his mask. He's a blue and black fox with cool looking hair and has an eye patch on one of his eye. He talk in a low teenage voice, "Yep that's me! You are a great fighter using that axe! I thought you were going to end me at the very moment."
I chuckled, "I would have if you didn't tell to stop heheh" Alyssa yells, "GROUP HUG ON JAY!" Everyone started coming and gave me a big group hug and squished me. "Can't.. Breathe ! Can't breathe!" Everyone lets go as I gasp and pant. Ray said, "Cake please!" Then everyone headed to the cake as they are cutting slices. The little kids get theirs first. Then we got ours. We were all sitting at the table, it's a really big table, and ate cake. I said, "You guys are the best. This is great cake and you guys just let me and I already feel family here. But the only thing is I have to find a way back home. Mia said, "Yeah we all can try but it will take a long time." Lance says, "Yes but it's our home as well and we will have come back to our parents someday." Kaylee says, "Yeah! I miss my mom and dad!" Cam says, "But I hate having to go to school where they all make fun of me for looking like an unordinary skunk." Carla pats his back and says, "Don't worry, if anyone causes you trouble, Come to us for help and also if they try to fight you, you are trained well enough to to hold them down till they give up." Mia says, "Yeah so tomorrow everyone pack your things and collect what's valuable. One day we might come to this very building again but let's grab what we need and then let's find home!" Everyone says, "Yeah!" She says, "But as of right now I'm tired so good night!" She jumps on the table and does a cartwheel off of it, landing. She went to walk to her room as she slips and faceplants on the ground but quickly gets back up, "I'm ok!" The children were chuckling and giggling. Tod says while yawning, "Alright everyone lets get some sleep" everyone agreed and got up and went to their rooms. Jolko turned to Me and said, "Oh yeah, there's another bed in my room for you to sleep in so you can come with me." I got up as he lead the way. Another room that was in the living room part was a long room filled with doors for everyone each person went to their own individual rooms as I follow Jolko to his. He opened his door and his room is just an ordinary room like at a house but without carpet. "Like what you see?" He said. I nodded, "It looks great!" He says, "Glad you think so! Also that's your bed on the right." We both got onto our beds. We faced each other as Jolko says, "Ready for a new start?" I nodded and replied, "Yep! Ready for adventure! I just hope Steve and Jon are ok." "Steve and Jon?" Jolko asked. "Oh right, they are my best friends from home. The ya re probably worried sick for me but I'm sure they'll be fine." Jolko says, "Heh knowing you now, I'm sure they'll know you'll survive here." "Thanks." I said, "well goodnight" He says, "Goodnight bud."

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