Finally Together!!!

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Jason was thinking of telling Allison about his feelings for him but something told him to wait till everything fell into place. He heard the door open and saw Ellie and Allison walking in laughing.

'Hey. How was the shopping?' said Jason.

'Perfect,' said Ellie.

'Alli, mind if I talk to you alone,' said Jason.

'Sure,' said Allison. Ellie took hers and Allison's bags upstairs. 'Everything ok?'

'Uh yeah. Everything's fine but I wanted to tell you something and I'm hoping that nothing between us changes.'

'What do you mean?' asked Allison.

'I've been feeling something for the last few days or months I should say and it's about you. Ever since you came to stay here with us I've been feeling something ever since I could remember. I'm in love with you,' said Jason. 'I always have.' Allison looked at him in shock not knowing what to say as he confessed his love for to her.

'Jason, I don't know what to say,' she said. She always had feeling for him too but wasn't sure if they were real. They always been really good friends after he had moved away and returned. Allison also wanted to say that she loved him too but knew her parents and others weren't going to approve Jason even though that she hasn't been living with them. Allison always saw the reports of him being with different girls each night but deep down she knew that it wasn't true. He isn't that guy that she knows.

'I've never felt like this before with any other girl. Other girls just wanted to be with me only because of my wealth and looks but you're different from them. You don't care about all the crap that has been said about me. Especially after what Paul said to you about me. You're the only one that tames and knows me so well,' said Jason. 'I'm just hoping that you feel the same way too. To give us a chance.'

'I have to go,' she said as she quickly got her things and left him standing there knowing that she just broke his heart. The one guy that treated her with so much love. The one who treated her with so much respect when other guys would only want her as a trophy wife. The one who would protect her from all the bad things in the world. She broke the heart of the guy she knew she also had feelings for too. Jason didn't know what just happened when she just left him like that. He didn't blame her if she didn't feel the same way. He just felt broken hearted. He sat on the couch and thought about what his father said about if he told her his feelings about her. He knew that he was right.

'Is everything ok, dear?' He saw his mom walking into the living room.

'Uh yeah. Just fine,' he said.

'What happened?' she asked.

'Alli left after I told her what I felt about her,' said Jason. 'I guess that she doesn't feel the same way.'

'I don't understand,' she said. 'She should be happy about it.'

'Guess not,' he said. 'I'll be in my room.' Jason headed to his room wanting to be left alone. His mother knew that this wasn't right but didn't want to blame Allison for this. She went to look for her and knew where she could be. Allison sat looking out to the lake with tears in her eyes. She could see the sadness in his eyes when she left him standing here as he poured out his heart to her and she just broke it. Allison wiped away her tears softly. She heard her phone ring and saw that it was her father. She pressed ignore as she didn't want to hear from him knowing that he would tell her I told you so to her.

'I thought I find you here.' Allison saw Mrs. Sheppard there. She might know that she broke her son's heart.

'Mrs. Sheppard. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt Jason. I should go and apologize to him.'

'I'm not here to yell or scream at you. I would understand why you wouldn't tell Jason of how you felt.' They sat back down on the bench. 'I could tell that Jason was being too straight forward with you.'

'He was sort of was but he hit everything on the top of the head. I love him too so much,' said Allison, tears in her eyes.

'But what's wrong?'

'That Jason would be bashed more by the papers by saying he got an arm candy and that he would leave me for another one,' said Allison. 'I don't want to bring shame to your family.'

'I know that you wouldn't do that to our family. I know you and I know Jason would do everything to protect you,' she said.

'I doubt it after I broke his heart,' said Allison. 'Jason would never forgive me.'

'You never know. Jason would forgive you,' she said. 'Let's see what happens ok?' She nodded as they headed back to the house. Jason lay in bed looking at the ceiling as he heard a knock on the door. He sighed as he didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. Especially to Paul knowing that he came to rub it in his face.

'Go away, Paul,' said Jason. There was another knock. He sighed as he walked to the door. 'Why don't you---' He saw Allison there. 'Alli.'

'Can I come in?' she asked. Jason moved quickly to let her in. Allison softly bit her lip as she looked at him as he only wore some jeans and was shirtless. 'I should apologies for what happened earlier.'

'You shouldn't. I came on too strong and I'm sorry,' said Jason.

'No. You didn't,' said Allison. 'It's just no guy ever told me that they loved me. You're the first guy that ever told me. I guess I got scared by it. I also got scared by my feelings.'

'What do you mean?' asked Jason. Allison kissed him out of the blue as she wrapped her arms around his neck softly. Jason wrapped his arms around her as he kissed her back softly. After the kiss, they looked at each other softly.

'That,' she said, blushing. Jason softly smiled knowing that she felt the same as him. He kissed her softly. Allison squealed as she felt him pick her up into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. Jason softly laid her in bed as he softly kissed her jawline and then her neck softly. Allison softly bit her lip as it felt so good to feel his lips on her skin. She softly stopped him. 'We should wait.' Jason knew that this moment wasn't the right moment. It should be special. He wasn't mad at her as he respects her. He kissed her softly as they lay in bed snuggled. 'You're not mad?'

'Why should I be mad?' said Jason.

'I just thought that you be mad,' said Allison.

'I couldn't be mad at you,' said Jason. She smiled softly. She softly caressed the scar he had. She wondered what really happened to have him get this scar and the others.

'How did you get the scars?' she asked looking at him. He probably changes the subject on it. She could tell that it was painful for him.

'I was uh leaving a party with a couple of friends who were drunk and I was the only one not drunk that night,' he said. 'I uh got behind the wheel as I was going to drop them off. We stopped at a red light and everything was fine. When the light turned green, I made my way that was until everything went by too quick. The driver had run a red light and hit our car. Mostly hit my side. Everything went black from there.' Allison could tell that this was hard for him to relive it. 'The next thing I remembered I woke up in the hospital and was told that I was lucky to survive the crash. The rest of my friends were in a coma or were in critical condition. With a couple of cracked ribs, broken leg, broken ankle and the scars from the accident I didn't think I was that lucky. The driver was charged for being under the influence, reckless driving and endangerment. But that didn't stop the press for saying that I was the one who was drunk and got my friends hurt.' Allison could tell that he was blaming himself especially the press making it worse than before. She heard something about that on the news but wasn't sure if what they were saying were true. Now she knew everything. She softly made him look at her and kissed him softly.

'It wasn't your fault. You did everything right.I know they would have done the same thing,' she said. 'I know that yourfriends were lucky to have you as a friend.' Allison kissed him softly as herhand was on his chest over his heart.

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