You Should Talk To Him

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Jason is on the private plane heading back home. He thought about everything that happened. Did he do something wrong? Did he come on too strong to her? Did she get too scared and run? Jason couldn't understand what happened. Allison got to her parents' home knowing how 'happy' they will be knowing that she 'came to her senses'. She walked inside looking around after seeing their cars in the driveway.

'Mom? Dad?' She heard footsteps and saw her parents.

'Allison?' said Mrs. Dolans. Allison nodded as her mother hugged her tightly.

'What did he do now?' asked Mr. Dolans.

'Nothing. It was me,' said Allison. 'I left him.' Allison didn't want to go in deeper knowing deep down she still loves Jason deeply. Jason got home not wanting to talk to anyone especially to Paul, knowing that he will rub it in his face by saying what did he do to Allison. Jason went to his room suitcase in hand.

'What are you doing home early?' He saw his mother walking towards him.

'Change of plans, mom,' said Jason. 'Uh I'm going to head to my room now. I don't want to be disturbed please.' Mrs. Sheppard nodded seeing her middle child walking into his room closing the door. She knew that it had to do with Allison. Jason fell on his bed his mind on Allison still trying to figure out what happened between them. Allison is placing her things away knowing that she still has some of her things in the Sheppard Home. She wasn't ready to face the man whose heart she broke. Allison saw the picture of them at the charity ball where they were dancing. She smiled weakly feeling tears in her eyes. She knew that Jason is hurting badly by what she did to him. The tears fell down her cheeks as she held the picture close to her falling to her knees. She wanted to badly run over there and run into his arms telling him how sorry she is. Jason heard a knock on the door and groaned softly. 'Go Away.' The knock continued. He sighed as he got up from his bed and went to the door. He softly gasped as he saw Allison. Just as he's going to speak, he felt her lips on his. He wrapped his arms around her kissing her back deeply not wanting to let her go. Jason woke up and saw that it's midnight. He must have fallen asleep when he got home. He changed and slipped under the covers thinking of the dream he had. It felt so real to him, feeling her lips on his. Allison walked into the kitchen as the maids are making breakfast. She knew that she has to go and pick up her things.

'Good morning, Ms. Allison,' said Bertha, one of the maids.

'Hey, Bertha,' said Allison, smiling weakly.

'I thought that you are on vacation,' she said.

'I was but decided to come back home. Well to this home now,' she said.

'Is everything ok with Mr. Sheppard?'

'Uh we decided to take a break,' lied Allison.

'That is such a shame. He always treated you so well. The rest of us really liked him even though your father never liked him. Mr. Sheppard has always the better man,' said Bertha as she served her some oatmeal with some fruits on the side and left the kitchen.

'He did,' whispered Allison. She felt her heart wanting Jason so badly. She softly wiped away the tears. Jason woke up late as he didn't want to talk to anyone. He walked into the kitchen seeing Paul and sighed. He went to serve himself some coffee.

'Well back so soon from paradise? What did you do this time to Allison?' said Paul, smirking at him.

'I don't want to hear it from you, Paul,' said Jason.

'Did you sleep with the flavor of the month? Or did you get caught kissing some other girl that made Allison leave you?'

'That's only you, Paul,' said Jason. 'You should look in the mirror because you only did that to Elizabeth.'

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