The Wedding

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Chapter 18

5 Months Later

Allison softly sighed as she smoothed down her dress as she paced the room. She felt her hands getting clammy and sweaty. She felt like she was on pin and needles as she and Jason were getting married today. When her parents heard about the engagement, her father gave her an ultimatum. Them or Jason. She picked Jason as she didn't care about what they said about their marriage Allison wore a white strapless dress pinched at the waist with a lavender bow tied on the back, the skirt flowed down to the floor with train that could be pinned up as her and Jason danced their first dance as husband and wife.

'Allison, honey, everything is fine. All the arrangements are perfect,' said Mrs. Sheppard.

'Alli, my mom's right. Jason is waiting for you to get married,' said Ellie.

'I'm worried though,' said Allison.

'Allison, hey. Everything is fine,' said Elizabeth, stops her. 'Hey. We are here for the both of you. This wedding will be fine and I know Jason loves everything. He'll be blown away when he sees you walking down that aisle.'

'Really?' said Allison.

'Yes, he will,' said Mrs. Sheppard.

'Let's get this wedding started,' said Ellie. Allison nodded and sighed happily.

'Let's do this,' said Allison. 'I'm ready.' They heard a knock on the door and saw Elizabeth.

'Hey. You look beautiful,' said Elizabeth.

'Thanks,' said Allison.

'We should get going before the groom comes in here,' said Elizabeth. Ellie and Mrs. Sheppard went to take their seats. 'Again, we are all happy that you guys are getting married. I have something.'

'What?' said Allison.

'Don't worry. It's something good,' said Elizabeth. She took out blue lavender bracelet and handed it to her. 'This always brought me good luck through the years and I thought that I should pass it to the bride.'

'Elizabeth, no. I can't,' said Allison.

'Yes, you can. Look, you and Jason went through hell and back to be where you are now. This bracelet is always lucky. I got lucky to have you and Jason in my life, including the Sheppards too,' said Elizabeth.

'I don't know what to say,' said Allison, as she felt tears in her eyes.

'Well, don't cry on me now,' said Elizabeth, smiling. Allison smiled. 'Come on. I'll walk you down the aisle.' Allison felt nervous but felt lucky too. They both walked outside as everything being done outside by rose garden. Allison saw Jason in his tux with a lavender tie and smiled. He looked dashing and handsome. Jason felt his heart flutter as he saw Allison walking towards him. She looked beautiful and couldn't wait till she became his wife. They both stood in front of each other. They both mouthed 'I love you' to each other. The ceremony went out without a hitch as they were announced as husband and wife. Everyone applauded in happiness for the happy pair as they walked down the aisle. At the reception, they greeted everyone that was there. Allison looked at up and saw her mom. She excused herself and went to her.

'Mom, what are you doing here? I thought that you and dad disowned me after I chose Jason,' said Allison. She didn't want to be mad at her mother as this is her wedding day.

'I'm leaving your father,' said Mrs. Dolans.

'What? This isn't a trick is it?' asked Allison.

'No, it isn't,' said Mrs. Dolans. 'I should have stopped your father by doing what he did. I also talked to Jason when I found out what happened between the both of you. I felt so ashamed for everything. I wanted to apologize for everything.'

'Well, I don't know what to say,' said Allison.

'I know you will want to have some time to think about it,' said Mrs. Dolans.

'Where are you going to stay?' asked Allison.

'I will get a hotel room after filing a separation from your father,' said Mrs. Dolans.

'Why don't you stay for a little while here for the wedding?' said Allison.

'Really? After what happened?' asked Mrs. Dolans.

'Yea. Time will heal everything and hopefully we can rebuild our relationship too,' said Allison. Jason looked over to Allison as she's talking to her mother. He excused himself and walked to her hoping that things are ok between them.

'Hey. Everything ok? Mrs. Dolans, it's nice seeing you,' said Jason.

'Likewise. Also congratulations on this wedding,' said Mrs. Dolans.

'Thank you, ma'am. I...don't want to take you away from your mom. I'll leave you two alone,' said Jason.

'Thanks,' said Allison, smiling and kissed him before he left.

'Your father and I were wrong about Jason. He might have been rough around the edges but seeing how he treats you, it's different,' said Mrs. Dolans.

'He is and I love him. Jason treats me differently. Other men would treat me like an object but Jason doesn't,' said Allison, as she looks at him talking to Ellie.

'I see that now,' said Mrs. Dolans, smiling.

'Let's go and mingle,' said Allison, smiling. They went to talk to the rest of the guests. Jason smiled as Allison is with her mom. He felt glad that things are going to be patched up soon between them.

'Hey,' said Elizabeth.

'Hey,' said Jason.

'It's a good thing that her mom is here to celebrate the wedding,' said Elizabeth.

'Yea, it is,' said Jason, smiling. 'Thanks for being there for us too.'

'What are friends for huh?' said Elizabeth, smiling. 'Besides, nobody else will get you two back together. Well, besides Ellie and me.' Jason smiled and laughed.

'I always wondered why you never became my sister,' said Jason.

'I am now,' said Elizabeth, smiling. 'Now, you big goof ball. Go to your wife and dance with her before a drunken idiot gets her.' Jason laughed and kissed her cheek before heading to Allison. He playfully whispers in her ear and she smacked his arm playfully.

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