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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the marvel characters. I do own Lucy and any other original characters though:)

Lucy P.O.V

"Let's start with your name please, Miss Feld," Fury says as I sit down across from him. I figure there's no point in fighting him. I didn't want to get iced again.

"You already know it," I answer.
"Yes, I do. I know a lot about you actually, but I want you to answer the questions I ask you."

"How did you find out about me?" I ask before he can ask me another question.
"I will be asking the questions, Miss Feld, and you will be answering them," he replies. " I know that you're a gifted individual, and now I want you to tell me exactly what makes you unique."

Instead of answering his question, I started to search his mind. I couldn't help it. I was very curious.

He already knew what I was capable of. That was easy to find. These questions were just to get me talking.

I searched a little deeper and found the answer to my first question. Hydra.
I should have known that they would have kept a file on me. Apparently S.H.I.E.L.D. had managed to steal some of hydra's files, one of which was mine.

"Well you already know I'm psychic," I say.

"Yes I do," he replies, then he pauses. "Wait a minute, were you reading my mind?" He asks.

"Yes," I truthfully reply back.

A slight look of worry crosses his face, but he recovers quickly. "What all did you see?" He asks.

"Just enough to answer my question," I say.

He sighs. "Look, no more mind reading, ok?"

"Ok," I reluctantly agree. I have a lot of questions I want answers to , but I know that reading minds is not a very good thing.
"On one condition," I quickly add. "You have to tell me everything you know about me."
He considers my offer for a minute. "Ok, he says."But you have to agree to answer all the questions I ask you afterwards."
"Deal," I say.
"Let's see," he says. " You're a 23 year old girl, you live in Manhattan, New York, your mother is Edna Feld, your father is unknown, you work at Walmart as a cashier, and apparently your psychic." He pauses.
"Which as far as we know, includes being able to predict the future, being knowledgeable in everything, and, since I just found out, being able to read people's minds."
Darn it. I didn't realize I had given away the last part. I guess I'm not to good at this interrogation stuff.
"Now, as you may or may not know, since I don't know exactly what you saw in my mind," he looked rather annoyed at this, which caused me to blush in embarrassment.
"We retrieved most of this information from a Hydra base we raided. So that leaves the question, what is your association with Hydra?"
"Well," I say. "That's kind of a tricky question to answer. See, I never really worked for Hydra, but I kinda worked with Hydra."
"Care to elaborate what that means?" Fury asked. "We can't all read minds you know."
I smiled. "When I was 10 years old I met this boy. We quickly became friends, even though he was older than me. I had no idea why, but I was drawn to him. Like we had something in common.
"A couple of years later, when this whole psychic thing started, I was really scared. At first I didn't tell anyone, but the stress from keeping it a secret just became too much, and I had to tell someone. I chose him.
"When I told him, he didn't freak out at all. He told me that he was special too. He introduced me to a couple of people he said had helped him.
"They helped me to get a grip on the whole predicting the future thing, but then the knowing everything started.  It wasn't too long before I figured out that the people who had helped me weren't exactly the good guys. They were Hydra.
"So I left them. And never came back. Apparently they had learned a lot about me, and had kept it in a file, which you found."
Fury slowly nodded as I finished. "Thank you for telling me Lucy," he said softly. He thought for a second then said, " I have some follow up questions for you,"
"Ok," I said.
"What was the boys name, and what could he do?" Fury asked.
"Um..." I hesitated. "During my time with Hydra, I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone about him, or what he could do." I said nervously. I had a feeling that Fury didn't like it when people didn't corporate.
"What else did you promise Hydra?" Fury asked the irritation in his voice very clear.
"I never actually promised Hydra anything. Just him." I said.
Fury's irritated expression lessened. "Ok. We can leave that part out for now,"
"Ok," I said.
"One more question," Fury said.
"What do you know about your father?" He asked.
"I don't know anything," I say sadly. For years I have wondered who he is, and where he came from. Where he was now. Goodness, I didn't even know what his name was.
"My mom didn't know anything about him. She didn't even know his name," I say.
"Fury nods silently. "I'll have Bruce run some tests, try to figure out who he is."
That sounded good to me. I really wanted to know who my father was.
"Well that leaves one thing," Fury said.
"What?" I ask.
"Would you like to join the avengers?"

Authors note: Thanks to all of those who read the first chapter! I'm so happy that someone actually read it. As long as people keep reading it, I think I'll keep updating. Do you guys think Lucy will say yes to joining the avengers, or do you think it will take some convincing? Who is her father? Comment below what you think!
Until next time,

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