Real Affection

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Taejoon was now on his own room and still had a fever while Taeyeon explained everything by writing on her journal Tiffany gave her. The Kim's understand and asking her to attend him while he was having a high fever as a polite girl she obeyed them.

"He's having frequent nightmares these days I noticed dark circles on his eyes and he was physically weak as he always insisted to stay inside his room." Aunt Kim said to her father and Taeyeon.

"I'm sure our Taeyeon here would take care to Taejoon while we were away for a week, is that okay with you?" Elder Kim asked as she nodded in response before she smiled back at him.

"Sorry for causing you a trouble, Taeyeon-ah." Aunt Kim feels sorry for her but Taeyeon gesturing them not to be worried as she can handle everything with Taejoon.

"Don't worry Mr. Kim and Aunt Kim I will take care of Taejoon since it's the only way we can have closure while he was staying here and I also want to repay for your kindness towards me." Taeyeon wrote on the journal she was holding and the Kim's smiles at her while engulfing her into their warmth before continue packing their things for their departure tomorrow. They we're glad that they have Taeyeon who was so polite and generous to them, they didn't regret taking her off from the orphanage.

Meanwhile, Taejoon squirms from his slumber and slowly opened his eyes looking around to his surrounding and find himself resting on his own room but with a sore body and dizzy head restraining his movement so he decided to rest and get back on his sleep but Taeyeon already barging inside made him startled and annoyed, he shoots her the usual gaze when he was mad as she was taken aback and looks worried.

"You didn't know to knock on someone's privacy before barging inside? Ridiculous!" Taejoon yelled and started to get pissed so he throws himself under the blanket covering his face to avoid the mute girl but he felt the weight on his bed when the girl sit on the edge looking sadly to him but he pretends to sleep.

"He indeed have a mood swing. Geez he was acting like a child but guess I have to bear with it." Taeyeon thought to herself while still locking her soft gaze at him, she was felt sorry for Taejoon since she discovered that they shared the same fate about their parents passed away.

"What is her plan this time? Did she intend to stay here with me all day? Dammit! So I have to pretend to be like this?" Taejoon thought keep thinking for a good plan to kick out Taeyeon out from his room since he wants to stay alone and doesn't have any plan to went outside.

Taeyeon shaking Taejoon's body gesturing him to wake up and eat something to get better but still he was too stubborn to complied and putting his act. He didn't want to move an inch but Taeyeon was eager to made him eat the food Aunt Kim prepared for them. They have already stock of food in case they have off budget to spend and all they need was already there before the Kim's leave them for a week.

"Such a brat!" Taeyeon thought thankfully she can't speak to him with voice.

Taeyeon sighed and defeat getting off his bed before storming out the room leaving the childish Taejoon. She was now on the living room when the door bell rang and she politely opened it revealing the beautiful Tiffany Hwang infront of her holding a bag of food.

She was shocked for the uninvited guest barging inside their house and immediately jumped into her making them stumble on the floor. The latter was too excited to see the shorter girl, her crush. Yeah, Tiffany was a hyper one existed in the world and to Taeyeon's life.

"I brought something delicious to fill our stomach Tae! I hope you don't mind me staying her now." Tiffany exclaimed but the shorter girl shrugged it off and gesturing her that it's okay since she was left home along with a painful brat but on the other side she was thankful of her bestfriend's presence though she knew her affection towards her. Tiffany happily make her way through the kitchen to place the food on the plates and serves Taeyeon with all her heart.

Taejoon who was surprisingly walks out from his cavern smells the delicious aroma that arouses his nose. He followed suits and saw the two figure happily eating their meal without inviting him but he felt jealous instead because of the intimacy visible on them since it was a long time that someone shows affection towards him either his ex Jessica. He inhaled sharply as he saw how that Tiffany girl was too clingy with his Taeyeon, yes he was building some affection towards the shorter girl after the incident but too prideful to admit it to himself knowing the girl doesn't felt the same way.

Unfortunately, Taeyeon noticed the figure peeking behind the wall silently. She stood from her seat and walks toward Taejoon who was now mentally talking to himself whether he should go or not. He jolted forward when he felt someone tapped his broad shoulder and let out a dolpin scream from his mouth sounds like a gay that makes him embarrassed infront of his so-called crush. Tiffany who heard the loudness curiously take a look from where Taeyeon stand and she wasn't pleased from what she saw but trying not to show the creeping jealousy when the shorter girl get back but much to her annoyance the girl brought an uninvited presence from where they sharing feast of food that she bought for Taeyeon and her.

Taejoon sternly looks at Tiffany who sat across him but instead of a pleasant greetings he receives a furrow brows and a sarcastic smirk from a bitchy girl that he annoys alot but thankfully Taeyeon breaks the intense staring battle between them but the shorter girl was still oblivious as dumb. She offered the lad a plate of sweet and sour pork and he gladly took it without a second thought knowing that his poor stomach was rebelling inside.

"I hope you don't mind my presence here Ms. Hwang." Taejoon speaks before he put a spoonful of the food stuffed inside his mouth but Tiffany ignores him and continue chatting with Taeyeon who was nervously smiles on them but a visible drops of sweat on her forehead shows but the two green-eyed monsters was still on their own battlefield between them fighting for Taeyeon's affection.

Murderous look was still visible on Tiffany's face as she piercing hard the poor meat using her fork as she taking glance at Taejoon who was behaving himself like the eyesmile girl does made Taeyeon felt uncomfortable. Suddenly, an idea popped out from the shorter girl and wrote something on her blank journal so she could tells them about a game she had on her mind.

"Can we play hide and seek?" Taejoon and Tiffany contemplating whether they were in on her idea or change with a good one because it was too childish for their liking but knowing Taeyeon made it they both agreed without hesitation made the shorter girl do her own victory dance showing how dorky she was. The two lovestruck finds her adorable and made them fall deeply on her until their eyes meet and gave a deathly glare at each other and get back into their own reverie.

The day went well but not for the two hot headed figure who was howling at each other nonstop thankfully Taeyeon was there to cool them down with her magic touch before the house went down. The sunset was now visible on the horizon and Taejoon was more than happy to see his own rival stepping out from their home make him finally at ease but Tiffany with a heavy heart admitted the defeat only the two of them knows. Taeyeon walks the eyesmile girl on her way home but Taejoon insisted to accompanied them made the other presence erupted like a volcano with her frustration until they reached the destination and Tiffany who had a quick reflex leaned at Taeyeon for a kiss on a cheek made the other girl flushed and dumbfounded before she went inside her home. SUCCESS!

Taejoon seems a bit off after seeing the unpleasant view infront of him so he walks fast with Taeyeon behind but suddenly he felt a hand interlocked with his and he saw her keeping her pace the same with him as she smiles sweetly towards him making his heart goes wild but he was beyond happy and they went home happily.


A/N: Such a long time before I finally updated the story I gathered some motivation. Thank you :)

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