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Luke sighed, burying his face more into the crook of Ashton's neck. He had come over Friday night and spent the night with Ashton instead of coming in early this morning. It would've been easier for him to sleep in. He also wanted to spend more time with Ashton. He would never say it out loud of course, he was a Knowing. He'd get shunned if he did.

It felt special this time, he had spent the night at Ashton's apartment multiple times before but now he was actually sleeping in the same bed as him. Luke thought it was nice. He liked the warmth he got from being next to Ashton and actually liked being around him.

Luke had been watching the boy for so long as he slept that it startled him when the smaller boy moved.

"Good morning handsome," Ashton mumbled, slowly opening his eyes and allowing them to adjust and focus on the boy underneath him.

Luke blushed, not entirely being used to Ashton flirting with him. Ashton couldn't help but chuckle at the Knowing and press a small kiss to Luke's lips. It was completely without lust as well which surprised Luke. Luke could get used to this, holding Ashton and waking up with him and cuddling him.

"Today's going to be a relaxed day. We don't have to go in to the studio today. We can do everything from here in the bedroom. I know you're still probably stressed from work and today will be so simple. Tomorrow we'll be back to taking pictures that I will later paint but today I'm just going to paint. On you preferably. Are you okay with that?" Ashton asked, receiving a nod as an answer.

"I'm going to go make us breakfast. Push the sheets back and take off your shirt. I'll be bringing in paints and my camera with breakfast," Ashton said, climbing off of Luke and the bed. Luke didn't realize how hot Ashton had been making him until the boy was out of the room. Luke curled into the sheets, not listening to Ashton. He felt so nice in the warmth of the bed. He didn't ever want to leave.

Luke listened to Ashton's humming that was coming from kitchen. Luke felt at peace. Ashton soon came back with two bowls of krispy cereal and strawberries. He also had a tray with multiple paints and brushes that made Luke wonder what they were doing. There were no canvases around. Luke sat up to grab a bowl from Ashton and Ashton sat down next to him with his bowl as well. Ashton thought Luke looked really good in the sun light, with ruffled hair and in his bed sheets eating his breakfast. Ashton couldn't help but grab one of his cameras from the bed side table and take a picture of Luke when he wasn't paying attention.

Luke noticed after the picture was taken since the flash went off. Ashton hid sheepishly behind the camera lens while Luke chuckled. He really liked being with Ashton.

Luke finished his cereal and placed his bowl on the floor next to the bed, grabbing Ashton's bowl and doing the same. Luke grabbed Ashton's camera from him and climbed onto the smaller boy. He took multiple pictures of the boy underneath him. Some of them were of Ashton smiling, some of him laughing when Luke poked his side, some of them were Ashton hiding behind his large hands. It was nice seeing him like this.

Ashton grabbed the camera from Luke before flipping them over so he could do the same. He took some pictures of him kissing Luke and a few of the hickeys he had littered on Luke's pale skin the night before. He hadn't been this happy with another boy in such a long time.

"Do you want to start the project I was going to do today?" Ashton asked, his lips moving against Luke's as he spoke.

It was weird for there to be no lust but Ashton didn't mind. It was strange but Ashton didn't mind as long as there wasn't feelings. It could be platonic between them.

Luke answered with a grunted out yes and Ashton crawled off of the boy, motioning for him to flip himself around as he grabbed the paints off of the bed side table. Luke faced down on the bed, his head facing the window and letting his arms relax above his head. He felt so at ease.

Ashton crawled on to the boy again, this time straddling his upper thighs and bringing the paints to his side. He grabbed a paint brush, dipping it into a sea blue color, and ran the paintbrush through the dimples of Luke's back. Luke shivered at the cold paint but loved how relaxing it felt. The color matched Luke's eyes and Ashton really appreciated it. Ashton painted a scene of the ocean onto Luke's back. It took him about an hour and Luke would occasionally ask him when he would finish but he wanted it to be perfect.

Once he finished, Ashton grabbed his camera and took many different pictures at many different angles. He wanted the perfect picture. He even took a picture of Luke's face with his hands resting above his head. Luke's eyes were closed and looked so peaceful. Ashton then poked Luke and took a picture as soon as Luke opened his eyes. They looked so blue in the sunlight.

"Can I see the pictures?" Luke asked. Ashton went to the files in the camera and showed Luke the picture of the painting on his back. Luke smiled, incredibly in awe of how talented Ashton was. He wished he had an ounce of that talent.

"Can I paint your back now?" Luke asked, not knowing if Ashton would like him getting in his art supplies.

"Of course, paint whatever you want," Ashton said. He shrugged off his white t-shirt and threw it to an empty corner of his room. He laid down and Luke crawled on top of him.

"This could be seen as very provocative," Luke said, dipping the paintbrush into a red and drawing a line randomly on Ashton's back.

"Oh, shut up Lu-" Ashton couldn't finish his sentence because a choked out moan surpassed his lips. Luke had rolled his hips into his. Since they both only had boxers on, Ashton could feel Luke's dick in between his ass. It felt really nice and Ashton was surprised that Luke knew about that.

"You were saying?" Luke asked.


I don't ever see Ashton being a bottom yet I made him a bottom in both of my Lashton stories welp


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