Chapter One

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A/N: This story begins when Zane and Aphmau are in the eighth grade, and Garroth and Laurance are in ninth grade, but the story will mainly be through the eyes of Zane.

Zane's Pov

Today, I'm terrified, it's the first day of a new school year, and kids always seem to pick on me. Garroth, my older brother, and his best friend, Laurance, are normally there to defend me, but now... Garroth and Laurance are going to be freshmen in High School, and I'm an eighth grader, in Junior High. 

When my alarm clock went off this morning, and I remembered it was the first day of school, I was immediately filled with dread. Still, I got out of bed, I knew Father would be very angry if I skipped the first day of school because of fear, I wanted to make him proud. Yet, for the last few years of my life, I'd come home with bruises or limping, pretending to be tough, but Father still ignores me. It feels awful, but still, I keep trying. During the weekend, I like being left alone, as I'm either sitting in my room, trying to starve myself, or slitting my own wrists, to try to ignore to the pain of the week.

It's nearly impossible to walk around school unnoticed, and if I do get to my locker without getting noticed, it fills me with relief and makes me feel lucky, though this didn't seem to be one of my lucky days at school, I tried to ignore the voice, but when I turned around, annoyed, and looking pretty scared with my back to my locker, I realized it was a new student, which didn't turn out too well,  as I could see eyes glaring at me from a group of popular students.

It seemed I was so tense that the new student flinched, then spoke to me, "umm... are you okay?"

Err... I thought. What should I say, I don't know how to talk to girls! "I'm fine," I finally managed to speak, though quietly.

The brown-eyed girl looked confused, then said, "O...kay, then..?" She paused a moment, I'm guessing, to see if I would say anything, then looked worried as I glanced over her shoulder to the group glaring at me and I took a step back towards my locker. She glanced over her shoulder, and the group looked away as soon as they noticed she was looking at them angrily. "The name's Jess, but you can call me Aphmau," she continued, smiling, while reaching out her hand for me to shake.

I was about to reach out when I remembered, my first day of fifth grade:

It was a sunny morning, I had a cheery smile upon my face, a kid came up to 'introduce' herself to him. "Name's Gloria, but you can call me Grace," she had said, smiling, reaching out her hand for me to shake, "I'm Za-" I was cut off when something electrocuted me, it was an electric hand buzzer. "Ow," I said quickly pulling my hand away.
End of Flashback

Th-that girl, she introduced herself the same way! I thought, backing up. She looked as if she was in shock when I backed away from her.

Aphmau's Pov

I was shocked when the boy backed up, he looked as if he'd just seen a ghost. "H-hello?" I said, worried, he didn't respond, he just took another step back. "Is something wrong?"
He took yet another step back, I looked scared now, too, and I'm guessing he realized it when he finally(about five minutes later) calmed down. Once he was calm and realized that, I wasn't a threat cause I looked so worried, he reluctantly put his hand out and shook mine.

"M-m-my names... my name is Zane."

A/N: So what did you guys think, I know there has to be some Zanemau fans out there. I will update again, hopefully in one to four days. Depends on how long I make it.

  ♡ ~ Shorestar Gaming

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