Chapter Nine

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A/N: For anyone wondering where Aaron is or when he will come into my Zanemau FF, HE WON'T! Too many people ship AARMAU! It's terrible! HE IS NONEXISTENT IN MY FF! I've neglected the fact that Laurance even exists... again... The story just isn't focused on his life, so I forget about him...a lot...

Zane's Pov; Saturday Afternoon; Day After Katelyn and Jeffory Found the Kittens

What could Katelyn possibly have that she needs all of her friends to see?! It's only 8 AM! How could she be up already on a weekend!? Katelyn had called Travis, Aph, Kawaii~Chan, and I to her house, and since Travis was the only one who knew where it was, he was leading us there. Kawaii~Chan seemed excited and was bragging about knowing what was over there.

"Come on, Kawaii~Chan," Aph really wanted to know, because for the entire walk, she has been begging Kawaii~Chan to tell her. "Just tell us already."

"NOPE! KAWAII~CHAN CAN'T! It's a surprise!" Kawaii~Chan is determined to keep it a secret... Does she really know what Katelyn wants to show us?

"Kawaii~Chan," I said calmly. "I'm starting to doubt that you even know why Katelyn is dragging us all out here."


"Then why?! Seriously! I am so annoyed that she woke me up. At 8 AM. ON A WEEKEND!"

"..." Kawaii~Chan just kept silent.

"... She can't tell you..." Travis stated, as he stopped walking.

"Why not!?"

"Because we're here."

"Wha? Really?"


"I can't wait to see them!" Wait... Them..? Does that mean she really does know why Katelyn brought us here?

We knocked on the door and were surprised when Tony answered the door holding a grey kitten.

Kawaii~Chan squealed. "IS THAT ONE OF SUGAR'S KITTENS!?" She was hopping up and down.

"Yeah," Tony stated, plainly. "Want to see the others?"

"YES!" She was super excited. Tony looked worried.

"But first, you should quiet down..."

"Oh... Sorry..."

"They're in the living room, with Katy, Emma, Jay, and Jeffory." Kawaii~Chan walked calmly down the hall.

"Wait... Jeffory's here? I thought you and Jay didn't like him..?"

"We don't..." I could tell he wasn't happy about Jeffory being here. "But he's Katy's friend and Sugar is his sister's cat..." Tony glanced at Aph to see her staring at the kitten in his arms with awe. "... Do you want to hold it..?"

"C-can I..?" 

"Sure." He handed it to Aphmau.

"It's tiny!"

"Follow me," Tony said, turning around and walking toward the living room. We followed and found Kawaii~Chan sitting next to Katelyn, holding a silver tabby kitten.

"So, Kawaii~Chan really did know what you dragged us all down here to see..?"

"Yeah... Wait, did she tell you why I gathered you..?"

"No," Travis said. "No matter how much Aph begged her."

"..." Aph stayed silent.

I sat down. "How old are these kittens?"

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